Invest in ME Research Colloquiums

The Invest in ME Research Biomedical Research into ME Colloquiums (BRMEC) are closed research meetings organised by the charity to encourage biomedical research into ME and international collaboration amongst researchers - has been one of the main objectives of the charity.

The charity began arranging cpd-accredited public international biomedical research conferences in 2006. The BRMEC Colloquiums began in 2011 as a way of bringing together researchers from around the world in a round-table discussion of ME research and ideas.
Over the years this has broadened into sharing of experiences, data and plans for future research and international collaboration.
A culmination of much of this effort was the initiation of the European ME Research Group (EMERG) concept which formed in October 2015 in London in order to set up a strategy of European collaboration in ME research.

Our aim with the annual CPD-accredited research colloquiums has also been to introduce new researchers into the field of ME research, to gain new insights into the disease and enhance the strategy of research we are building.
This builds the basis for creating a strategy of high-quality international biomedical research - something which had been lacking in the past decades - and facilitating the increase in capacity for research. This increases chances of finding funding opportunities and raising awareness of biomedical research into ME.
In 2018 we added the initiative to begin developing foundations for the future by arranging our Thinking the Future workshops to create a network of young and early career researchers interested in or already performing biomedical research into ME.
This has now formed into Young EMERG - the European ME Research Group Early Career Researcher group.

The Invest in ME Research Colloquium events have spawned a multitude of positive initiatives over the years and are the most successful research meetings for forming new research initiatives for ME with multiple collaborative initiatives being formed across continents.


Past BRMEC* Research Colloquiums

Click below to expand detail for each Colloquium event

The Infectious Aetiology of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

The 13th International Biomedical Research into ME Research Colloquium took place on 26 - 27 June 2024.
The Infectious Aetiology of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.
The theme, "Acknowledging the acceptance by both clinicians and researchers of 'THE INFECTIOUS AETIOLOGY’ of ME/CFS' focused on uncovering the complexities of ME, exploring acute infection, chronic infection, and co-infection. #BRMEC13 introduced a collaborative format with sessions led by experts from the European ME Research Group. These sessions covered various aspects of ME research, facilitating in-depth discussions on Chronic Infection, Nervous System and Neuroinflammation, Immune System, Metabolism, Epigenomes and Transcriptomes, Physiology, and Other Non-Infectious Trauma.
With developments around research into Long Covid and with the similarities of some symptoms to those experienced by people with ME then this topic was also included as a central component of the agenda and a number of presentations concerning ME and long covid were given with a focus on the aetiology of the disease.
The knowledge and the road travelled by ME researchers and clinicians is an invaluable aid for understanding long Covid.
Understanding the viral and immunological mechanisms behind both of those conditions is the key to making progress.

The charity was also using a new venue - the Wellcome Genome Campus near London Stansted airport and in between the city of London and Cambridge.

Some of the institutes, organisations and agencies that will have speakers, representatives and participants involved in the conference week 2024 events -

Quadram Institute
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
University of East Anglia
University of Oslo
University of Amsterdam
University of Bergen
University of Helsinki
University of Uppsala
Nova Southeastern University, Miami
Université de Montréal
Charité University Hospital, Berlin
Stanford Genome Technology Center
Universidad Católica de Valencia
Harvard Medical School
Aarhus Universitet
Georgetown University
Copenhagen University Hospital
European ME Research Group
Cornell University
University of South Florida
University of Cambridge
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Medical University of Vienna
University of Surrey
The National University Hospital of Iceland
Akureyri Hospital
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
University of Oxford
Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases Dedinje
Columbia University
La Trobe University
Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences
Massachusetts General Hospital
Sheffield Hallam University
European ME Alliance
Kings College London
Suomalainen-Wartiovaara Group,
Imperial College London
Chicago De Paul
University of Alabama
Cardiff University School of Medicine
Stanford University School of Medicine
University of Adelaide
European Research Council
Simmaron Research

BRMEC13 Conference Agenda

The colloquium will start at approximately 08.45 on each day and close at approximately 18.00, after which there will be an evening dinner for registered delegates where more opportunities for discussion and networking will take place.
Agenda also available here as a full page - click here

# Session Presenter(s)
08:50 Welcome to BRMEC13 - Objectives Professor Simon Carding
Quadram Institute, UK / European ME Research Group (EMERG)
Chronic Infection Aetiology Starter (viral / non viral) Session chair:
Friðbjörn Sigurdsson
Landspitali University Hospital in Rejkjavik, Iceland / European ME Research Group (EMERG)
How infectious diseases (IDs) together with environmental and genetic factors trigger the onset of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) Thomas Vogl
Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Underlying Mechanisms of Long Covid David Price
Cardiff University School of Medicine, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK
ME/CFS and Long COVID: NIH STUDY Avindra Nath
National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA
Systems biology approaches to study infections in complex diseases Tamas Korcsmaros
Imperial College London
Physiology Session chair:
Jonas Bergquist
University of Uppsala, Sweden / EMERG
Acute and chronic infections in patients with post–infectious syndromes (Post–COVID syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme disease) : neurocardiological approach using functional diagnostic of autonomic nervous system Branislav Milovanović
Institute for cardiovascular diseases-Dedinje, Serbia / European ME Research Group (EMERG)
Insights from Invasive Cardiopulmonary Exercise David Systrom
Harvard Medical School, USA
Diagnostic and potential relevance of autoantibodies for fatigue symptoms Lutz Schomburg
Charité University Hospital, Germany / EMERG
Dysautonomia, symptoms of ME/CFS and Long Covid. Results from ICOSS Markku Partinen
University of Helsinki, Finland
Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
Nervous System and Neuroinflammation Session chair:
Jon Brooks

University of East Anglia, UK
Omics and Sex differences in ME/CFS Avindra Nath
National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA
Innate immune activation in the whole body and CNS of ME patients using PET/MRI Michelle James
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Using fMRI and PET imaging to study neuroinflammation in ME Michael VanElzakker
Harvard Medical School & Massachusetts General Hospital Instructor, Tufts University, USA
Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
Metabolism Body and Cell Session chair:
Rikke Olsen
Aarhus Universitet, Denmark / EMERG
Ancestral allele of DNA polymerase gamma modifies antiviral tolerance Yilin Kang
Suomalainen-Wartiovaara Group, University of Helsinki, Finland
Skeletal muscle fatigue and post-exertional malaise in patients with Long-COVID and ME/CFS Rob Wüst
Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Genetic predisposition to metabolic disturbances in individuals severely affected by long-COVID Kristoffer Hansen
Aarhus Universitet, Denmark
Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
BRMEC13 Day 1: Summary and Group Discussion Professor Simon Carding
Quadram Institute, UK / European ME Research Group (EMERG)

# Session Presenter(s)
08:50 Welcome and Overview of Day 2 Professor Simon Carding
Quadram Institute, UK / European ME Research Group (EMERG)
Immune System
Primary and Secondary
Session chair:
Eva Untersmayr-Elsenhuber
Medical University of Vienna, Austria / EMERG
Regulatory T cells in the brain Adrian Liston
University of Cambridge, UK
Microbes, Microbiomes and Immunity in ME/CFS Simon Carding
Quadram Institute, UK / European ME Research Group (EMERG)
The Role of Endothelial Dysfunction in ME and long COVID Nancy Klimas
Nova Southeastern University, USA
Plasma Proteomics in Response to Exercise Maureen Hanson
Cornell University, USA
Stratifying ME/CFS Patients identifies distinct pathophysiological characteristics Johanna Rohrhofer
Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
Epigenomes and Transcriptomes Session chair:
Elisa Oltra
Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Spain
Single cell transcriptomics to reveal the role of thymus in autoimmune diseases, and potential implications
for ME/CFS
Benedicte Lie
University of Oslo, Norway
Single-cell transcriptomics of the immune system in ME/CFS Andrew Grimson
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA
Human endogenous retrovirus expression in the immune system of ME/CFS Karen Gimenez-Orenga
Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Spain
Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
Clinical Trials Session chair:
Jesper Mehlsen
Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark / EMERG
Phenotyping ME/CFS Elizabeth Unger
Longitudinal Study of ME Patients Leonard Jason
Chicago De Paul University, USA
Identifying potential candidates for clinical trials using AI network medicine Wenzhong Xiao
Harvard Medical School, USA
tbc Various Speakers building standards for clinical trials
Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
Ad-hoc Presentations Professor Simon Carding
Quadram Institute, UK / European ME Research Group (EMERG)
Involvement of BH4, NO and Oxidating Stress in ME/CFS Professor Ron Davis
Stanford School of Medicine in Stanford, California, USA
Clinical Trial of Rapamycin (tbc) Dr . Gunnar Gottschalk
Simmaron Research Inc, USA
tbc Flash sessions (tbc)
Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
BRMEC13 Day 2: Summary and Group Discussion Chaired discussion amongst delegates

Dr Vicky Whittemore


Dr. Whittemore is a Program Director in the Synapses, Channels and Neural Circuits Cluster. Her interest is in understanding the underlying mechanisms of the epilepsies including the study of genetic and animal models of the epilepsies.

The major goal is to identify effective treatments for the epilepsies and to develop preventions. Dr. Whittemore received a Ph.D. in anatomy from the University of Minnesota, followed by post-doctoral work at the University of California, Irvine, and a Fogarty Fellowship at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

She was on the faculty of the University of Miami School of Medicine in The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis prior to working with several non-profit organizations including the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance, Genetic Alliance, Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), and the National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics (NCHPEG).

She also just completed a four-year term on the National Advisory Neurological Disorders and Stroke Council.

Other Links

Professor Ronald Davis
Professor of Biochemistry and Genetics at the Stanford School of Medicine in Stanford, California, USA


Ronald W. Davis, Ph.D., is a Professor of Biochemistry and Genetics at the Stanford School of Medicine in Stanford, California.

He is a world leader in the development of biotechnology, especially the development of recombinant DNA and genomic methodologies and their application to biological systems.

At Stanford University, where he is Director of the Stanford Genome Technology Center, Dr. Davis focuses on the interface of nano-fabricated solid state devices and biological systems.

He and his research team also develop novel technologies for the genetic, genomic, and molecular analysis of a wide range of model organisms as well as humans.

The team's focus on practical application of these technologies is setting the standard for clinical genomics.

Research Leader, Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich Research Park, UK

Professor Simon Carding


Upon completing postgraduate work at the Medical Research Council’s Clinical Research Centre in Harrow, Professor Carding “emigrated” to the USA to take up a postdoctoral position at New York University School of Medicine, and then at Yale University as a Howard Hughes Fellow in the Immunobiology Group at Yale University. While at Yale an interest in gamma-delta (γδ) T cells was acquired working closely with Adrian Hayday on molecular genetics and then with Prof. Peter Doherty to establish their role in (viral) infectious disease.
He left Yale after five years to take up a faculty position at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia where he developed a research interest in mucosal and GI-tract immunology, performing studies in germfree mice with Prof John Cebra that helped establish the role of gut microbes in the aetiology of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
After 15 years in the USA, he returned to the UK to take up the Chair in Molecular Immunology at the University of Leeds where he established a new research programme on commensal gut bacteria and Bacteroides genetics leading to the development of a Bacteroides drug delivery platform that is being used for developing new interventions for IBD and for mucosal vaccination.
In 2008 he was recruited by UEA and IFR to develop a gut research programme, taking up the Chair of Mucosal Immunology at UEA-MED and the position of head of the Gut Biology Research Programme at IFR, which later became part of the Gut Health and Food Safety (GHFS) Programme.
GHFS research covers a broad area of gut biology including epithelial cell physiology, mucus and glycobiology, mucosal immunology, commensal microbiology, foodborne bacterial pathogens, and mathematical modelling and bioinformatics. The success of this programme has led to the establishment of the Gut Microbes and Health research programme that is integral to the research agenda of The Quadram Institute.

Dr Avindra Nath


Dr. Nath received his MD degree from Christian Medical College in India in 1981 and completed a residency in Neurology from University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, followed by a fellowship in Multiple Sclerosis and Neurovirology at the same institution and then a fellowship in Neuro-AIDS at NINDS.

He held faculty positions at the University of Manitoba (1990-97) and the University of Kentucky (1997-02).

In 2002, he joined Johns Hopkins University as Professor of Neurology and Director of the Division of Neuroimmunology and Neurological Infections.

He joined NIH in 2011 as the Clinical Director of NINDS, the Director of the Translational Neuroscience Center and Chief of the Section of Infections of the Nervous System.

His research focuses on understanding the pathophysiology of retroviral infections of the nervous system and the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for these diseases.

Institute for Virology and Immunobiology, University of Wuerzburg

Dr Bhupesh Prusty


Bhupesh Prusty currently works at the Institute for Virology and Immunobiology, University of Wuerzburg. Bhupesh does research in Microbiology and Virology. His current research focuses on ciHHV-6 reactivation and its clinical consequences.

University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre CRCHUM · Biochemistry and molecular medicine

Professor Alain Moreau


Since October 2000, Dr. Moreau has been Director of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Musculoskeletal Diseases/malformations. His team is interested in the molecular genetics of musculoskeletal diseases in children (scoliosis) and adults (osteoarthritis). Their work mainly focuses on musculoskeletal diseases that affect children (congenital malformations, bone and cartilage tumours), adolescents (idiopathic scoliosis) and adults (osteoarthritis and joint cartilage degeneration). In addition, his team studies the molecular mechanisms involved in the inflammation and regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues. Dr. Moreau is an active member of the Bone and Periodontium Research Center (a consortium of researchers working in the field of bone) set up by McGill University, the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research and the Scoliosis Society of Quebec. He is also the thematic leader of the Molecular Biology and Genetics Axis of the Scoliosis Quebec Network.

Full Chair Professor in Analytical Chemistry and Neurochemistry at the Department of Chemistry, Uppsala University, Sweden

Professor Jonas Bergquist


Professor Begquist has a background as MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Neuroscience , Sahlgrenska University Hospital and the University of Gothenburg. Since 1999 , he has been a researcher in Uppsala, Sweden, and in 2005 was appointed professor of analytical chemistry and neurochemistry at the Department of Chemistry - BMC , Uppsala University. From 2011 he worked also as an adjunct professor of pathology at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

Research Director, Coordinating Research Centre, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Denmark
Co-chair European ME Research Group

Dr Jesper Mehlsen


Dr Jesper Mehlsen graduated as a medical doctor in 1979 and finished his specialist training in 1990. He has published more than 140 scientific papers in peer reviewed journals, mainly on the autonomic nervous system and more recently on complex diseases possibly resulting form HPV-vaccination.
For more than 35 years, he has worked clinically and in research with dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Such dysfunction may lead to symptoms from a number of different organs often dominated by diminished control of blood pressure and heart rate.
Over the past 5 years, he has worked clinically and in research with patients who suspect side effects due to HPV vaccination to be the cause of a number of symptoms, common to those seen in chronic ME.
Dr Mehlsen is co-chair of the European ME Research Group (EMERG).

Assistant Professor of Medicine. Institution. Brigham and Women's Hospital

Dr David Systrom


Dr. David M. Systrom is a physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital. He is also an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. He received his medical degree from Dartmouth Medical School (now known as Geisel School of Medicine).

Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA

Professor Nancy Klimas


Director, Institute for Neuro Immune Medicine, Nova Southeastern University.
Director, Clinical Immunology Research, Miami VAMC
Professor of Medicine, Department of Clinical Immunology, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Nova Southeastern University
Chair, Department of Clinical Immunology, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Nova Southeastern University
Professor Emerita, University of Miami, School of Medicine
n for her research and clinical efforts in multi-symptom disorders, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), War Illness (GWI), Fibromyalgia, and other Neuro Immune Disorders. She is immediate past president of the International Association for CFS and ME (IACFS/ME), a professional organization of clinicians and investigators, and is also a member of the VA Research Advisory Committee for GWI, the NIH P2P CFS Committee, and the Institute of Medicine ME/CFS Review Panel. Dr. Klimas has advised three Secretaries of Health and Human Services, including Kathleen Sabelius, during her repeated service on the Health and Human Services CFS Advisory Committee. Dr. Klimas has been featured on Good Morning America, in USA Today and the New York Times.

Associate Professor Rikke Katrine Jentoft Olsen
Research Unit for Molecular Medicine, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark

Our research group has a longstanding interest in inborn errors of mitochondrial metabolism with special focus on fatty acid oxidation disorders. We integrate genetic diagnostics of affected families with research into cell pathological mechanisms and novel treatment modalities in the form of mitochondrial vitamins/co-factors and anaplerotic compounds for the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In recent years, we have initiated research programs to understand the role that mitochondria may play in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS).

Besides science, Rikke KJ Olsen is an active member of the Neonatal Screening Program for inborn errors of metabolism in Denmark and board member of international scientific organisations within fatty acid oxidation disorders and ME/CFS.

University of Oslo and EMERG

Professor Ola Didrik Saugstad


Ola Didrik Saugstad is a Norwegian pediatrician and neonatologist, who is internationally recognized for his research on resuscitation of newborn children. Since 1991, he has been Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Oslo and Director of the Department of Pediatric Research at the National Hospital.

Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, New York, USA

Professor Maureen Hanson


Maureen Hanson is Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. Previously she was on the faculty of the Department of Biology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and an NIH NRSA postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, where she also completed her Ph.D. degree. While most of her prior research has concerned cell and molecular biology in plant cells, she began a research program on ME/CFS after noting at a 2007 IACFS meeting the paucity of molecular biologists studying the illness. Her lab was part of the 2012 multicenter study organized by Ian Lipkin's group at Columbia University to assess the actual role of XMRV in ME/CFS. Dr. Hanson has a current project to examine the microbiome of ME/CFS patients and controls, in collaboration with Dr. Ruth Ley (Cornell Microbiology) and Susan Levine, M.D. (Manhattan, NY). Dr Levine is also collaborating with Dr. Hanson on an immune cell gene expression project that involves Dr. Fabien Campagne and Dr. Rita Shaknovich at Weill Cornell Medical School in New York City. Dr. Hanson's third project concerns analysis of blood samples from individuals performing a two-day cardiopulmonary exercise test at Ithaca College under the supervision of Dr. Betsy Keller.

Professor Kristian Sommerfelt


Kristian Sommerfelt is a paediatrician. He completed his medical degree at the University of Bergen in 1981 and specialist in paediatrics in 1994. Dr degree in 1997 with the theme of premature children and later development. Since 1987, he has worked at the Children's Clinic (now the Children's and Adolescent Clinic) at Haukeland University Hospital, now as senior physician at the section for pediatric neurology and habilitation. Kristian has adjunct position as professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine 2, University of Bergen. He specialises in headaches, epilepsy and ME/CFS, but has broad experience in the entire field of child neurology. For the past 12 years, he has had a special interest in children and young people with ME/CFS, both directly with patient work and in research. He is particularly concerned with investigation, diagnosis and the transfer of knowledge to the first-line service and school. He has broad scientific experience with articles in international journals and authorship of chapters in several medical textbooks. He is a member of the European ME Research Group (EMERG) and European ME Clinicians Council (EMECC).

Professor Tom Wileman


Tom Wileman took his first degree at the London School of Pharmacy, now part of University College. This was followed by a PhD at John Moore’s University Liverpool where he gained a keen interest in cell biology and immunology. A postdoctoral fellowship followed at Washington University in St Louis to study endocytosis and the macrophage mannose receptor with Philip Stahl. In 1986 he moved to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard Medical School to work with Cox Terhorst cloning genes for the signaling complex of the T-cell antigen receptor. He was appointed to Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School in 1991 and performed some of the first experiments on T-cell antigen receptor assembly and ER-stress related protein degradation. In 1994 he returned to the UK to the Institute for Animal Health (The Pirbright Institute, UK) as Head of Immunology to study how viruses such as foot and mouth disease virus and African swine fever virus use cellular organelles to facilitate replication and how this affects immune responses. In 2005 he moved to UEA where his lab studies how viruses activate autophagy during cell entry and replication.

Dr Wenzhong Xiao


Dr. Xiao is assistant professor of Bioinformatics at Harvard Medical School and director of the Inflammation & Metabolism Computational Center at Massachusetts General Hospital. He also leads a Computational Genomics Group at Stanford Genome Technology Center. He holds a doctorate degree in chemistry and structural biology from University of California at Berkeley and a master’s degree in statistics

Dr Lutz Schomburg


Prof. Dr. Lutz Schomburg received his training in biochemistry at the University of Hanover, Germany. He completed internships at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Munich, the Waite Agricultural Research Institute, Adelaide, Australia, and King's College London, UK. He worked at the Max Planck Institute for Experimental Endocrinology in Hannover, Germany, and received his PhD in 1994. As a postdoctoral fellow, he worked at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, with Prof. William W. Chin and at Julius Maximilians University, Würzburg, Germany, with Prof. Josef Köhrle. He is currently President of the International Society for Selenium Research and Deputy Director of the Institute for Experimental Endocrinology at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Associate Professor Julia Oh


Postdoc, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ph.D., Stanford University
B.A., Harvard University Read more

Associate Professor Brent Williams


Brent L. Williams, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Pathology and Cell Biology at Columbia University.
Dr. William’s research focuses on the role of the microbiome in human health and disease. The human body harbors ten times as many microbial cells as human cells, and these complex, symbiotic microbial communities play a fundamental physiological role in maintaining human health through various mechanisms relating to digestion, metabolism, immunity, protection from infections, and development.
Dr. Williams applies state-of-the-art sequencing and computational techniques to gain mechanistic insights into how disruption of the human symbiotic microbial consortium contributes to disturbed host-microbe relationships and development of pathophysiological states.
His research relating to these topics is broad in scope ranging from investigations into the role of the microbiome in neurodevelopment and autism; mechanisms by which microbial metabolites influence epigenetic changes in colorectal cancer; identification of vaginal microbial community states that contribute to inflammation, adverse pregnancy outcomes and HIV risk; and evolutionary factors governing the structure of our microbiome through investigation of our closest living primate relatives.

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Professor James Stewart

Chair of Molecular Virology, Infection Biology & Microbiomes

International renounded in the field of virus-host interactions he trained as a molecular biologist, applying molecular techniques to study virus/host interactions, specifically the immune response.
A large part of his career has been spent studying pathogenesis and virus-host interactions, with a particular focus on the herpesvirus family.

Established the link between active EBV infection and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and showed that this a consequence of the normal biology of this group of viruses.

With Tony Nash, developed murine gammaherpesvirus in mice as a means of studying authentic host-virus interactions, exploiting the power of virus reverse genetics and KO mouse technology.

More recently research has moved to focus on virus-host interactions in the respiratory tract, using other respiratory pathogens such as influenza A virus and RSV. Developed an integrative toolkit and pathway with which to do this using conventional and molecular techniques to analyse the course of virus infection combined with big data techniques and informatics to relate the function of viral determinants with host defence responses. The ultimate aim is to translate this into novel interventions and vaccines.

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Dr Kiran Thapaliya


Research Fellow in the area of Neuroimaging with the National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases (NCNED).
Main research interest lies in the development of medical imaging methods for the direct in vivo mapping of tissue microstructure in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and Long COVID. Kiran's research focuses on understanding how changes in tissue microstructure influence MRI signals and the development of new neuroimaging methods to identify biomarkers for ME/CFS and Long COVID.
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Professor Lubov Nathanson


Dr. Lubov Nathanson is an experienced, versatile and multidisciplinary trained scientist with over 20 years of work experience in basic and translational genomics and proteomics research.
She has a combined expertise in bioinformatics, molecular biology, biochemistry and systems biology.
As an Associate Professor for the Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine, her work involves analysis of gene expression data of microarrays and RNA-seq experiments, analyzing systems biology including metabolic pathways and gene ontology, building gene interaction networks, creating custom pathways, and searching for upstream and downstream gene interactions. Additionally, she is an Adjunct Professor of the Master's of Science in Nutrition Program in the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine and an Adjunct Professor of the Math, Science, and Technology Division in the Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography.

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Professor Hatice Tankisi


Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
Hatice Tankisi is a consultant in Clinical Neurophysiology at Aarhus University Hospital and professor at Aarhus University, Denmark. She is serving as the secretary and treasurer of ExCo Europe-Middle East-Africa Chapter, International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (EMEAC-IFCN) since 2018 and Co-chair of the Clinical Neurophysiology Panel, European Academy of Neurology (EAN) since 2020.
She was born and studied medicine and trained as a neurologist in Turkey and then moved to Denmark in 2000, trained as a neurophysiologist and did her PhD in Denmark. Her main research interests are peripheral nerve, muscle and cortical excitability tests with threshold tracking and motor unit number estimation methods for diagnosis and understanding disease pathophysiology in neurological disorders particularly ALS and polyneuropathy. She has more than 90 peer-reviewed papers and 6 book chapters. Hatice Tankisi has been a member of the European Multicenter EMG network, ESTEEM since 2000 and is serving as the leader of ESTEEM since 2020. She is also a member of the International Diabetic Neuropathy Consortium (IDNC), multicentre IMI-PainCare project and the QTMS Research Group.

Associate Professor Jos Bosch


In 2012 he was appointed associate professor in the Department of Psychology, section Clinical Psychology.
His research investigates the psychobiology of medical disorders, with the aim to understand and mitigate the impact of disease.
His dual expertise in psychology and biology allows him to approach this topic in a genuinely interdisciplinary manner, by integrating methods and concepts from both fields, and apply these to experimental laboratory studies, clinical investigations, and epidemiological analyses. More recently hsi work has expanded to include Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a source of novel approaches to the analysis and modification of human biology and behaviour. The latter program of research is funded by two H2020 consortium grants, of which he isa lead and a coordinator, and involves intensive collaborations with groups accross continental Europe, the UK, and the US.

Since 2019 he became Associate Editor of Health Psychology Review, having previously acted as associate/senior editor for Brain, Behavior & Immunity (2011-2014), Psychological Bulletin (2010-2013), and Health Psychology (2010-2015).

In 2018 he was appointed Program Leader of the AMC/VUmc research institute ‘Amsterdam Public Health' (APH), Divsion of Mental Health ( In 2020 I was reappointed for 2 more years.

In 2023 Jos was awarded a grant of more than seven million euros to commence new biomedical research into ME/CFS.

Further reading:

Amsterdam UMC leads international consortium in the search for treatment for ME/CFS

Assistant Professor Bradlee Heckman

University of South Florida, Health, Neuroscience Institute, Byrd Alzheimer's Center, USA

Bradlee L. Heckmann is an American biologist and neuroimmunologist who is currently an investigator at the Byrd Alzheimer's Center and USF Health Neuroscience Institute and assistant professor in molecular medicine at the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine. Prior to his faculty appointment, Heckmann held the John H. Sununu Endowed Fellowship[1] in immunology at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Heckmann's research is focused on understanding the regulation of inflammatory processes in the central nervous system, with particular emphasis on neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's Disease[2] and the role of the autophagy machinery in this setting.

Dr Thomas Vogl


Group Leader, Medical University of Vienna

Thomas Vogl studied Molecular Microbiology at the University of Graz and completed his PhD in "Molecular Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology’" at Graz University of Technology. International placements have taken him to Queensland University of Technology (Australia) and the Weizman Institute of Science (Israel). Most recently, he worked as a senior postdoc at the Diagnostics & Research Center for Molecular BioMedicine at MedUni Graz. Since August 2022, he has been leading a research group at the Center for Cancer Research at MedUni Vienna.

Dr. Thomas Vogl and his multidisciplinary team of molecular biologists, biochemists, and bioinformaticians are investigating which microbial and tumor factors are crucial for successful cancer therapies. Dr. Vogl's expertise lies in the combination of biological experiments with computer-assisted analyses. In this context, the immune system is analyzed in the laboratory using blood samples from patients alongside novel high-throughput methods.

Professor Qasim Aziz


Professor Aziz after completing his undergraduate medical training in his native Pakistan he came to the UK in 1988 for higher medical training. After completing core medical training in Manchester, he started his research career at the University of Manchester as a Digestive Disorders Foundation (currently GUTS UK) clinical research fellow and obtained his PhD in 1996. He held posts of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Manchester, and is now Professor of Neurogastroenterology and Director of The Wingate Institute of Neurogastroenterology at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry at Queen Mary, University of London.

He has previously been a Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinician Scientist and has held the MRC Career Development Award. Throughout his career has held numerous prestigious research grants. His research interests are focused on understanding the neurophysiological basis of human gut sensory and motor function in health and disease and he has pioneered the use of a number of neurophysiological techniques to study the human brain gut axis. He is a keen educator for undergraduate and post graduate students and a frequent speaker at national and international conferences.

Professor Aziz has obtained national and international awards for his research the two most important being the British Society of Gastroenterology Research Gold Medal and the American Gastroenterology Association, Janssen Award for Basic and Clinical Research. He has published numerous original articles in reputed medical journals such as Nature Medicine, Nature Neuroscience, Lancet and Gastroenterology. He has held the position of Chairman, Neurogastroenterology and Motility Section of the British Society of Gastroenterology, Executive committee member of the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility and member of the United European Gastroenterology Federation Education Committee. He has been the co-lead for World Health Organisations ICD-11 coding for visceral pain and past Chair of the Abdominal and Pelvic Pain Special Interest Group of the International Society for the Study of Pain. He has been a member of Rome III, Rome IV and now Rome V Committees for development of diagnostic criteria for Disorders of Brain Gut Interaction. He has until recently been the gastroenterology speciality lead for North Thames Clinical Research Network and is the current president of the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility.


Dr Marte Viken

Department of Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
European ME Research Group


Dr Tamas Korcsmaros

Department of Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital, Norway

Tamás Korcsmáros started his research work as a high-school student in a biochemistry laboratory and for five years he worked on the experimental analysis of redox adaptation. He graduated as a molecular biologist (Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary) and as a PhD student developed a gap-filling signalling network database, SignaLink. In Budapest, he established the NetBiol - Network Biology group, which focuses on signalling and regulatory networks. The group has been developing novel databases and web-services to meet key scientific community needs.

In March 2014, Tamás moved to Norwich and works as a Computational Biology Fellow at the Earlham Institute and Quadram Institute Bioscience (QIB). His multi-disciplinary group focussed on combining computational and experimental approaches to predict, analyse and validate host-microbe interactions in the gut, especially in relation to the regulation of autophagy by microbes and upon disease conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease and cancer. Tamás also took major part in the organisation of eight international conferences (each with more than 1000 participants), he is the co-founder of two network analysis companies and coordinated 3 innovation grant programs. Since 2001, Tamás has been participating as a volunteer in Hungarian and international talent support organizations. He is currently the Chairman of the Research Student Foundation supporting 5000 high-school research students.

Tamas is now Senior Lecturer in Intestinal Epithelial Biology at Imperial College London.


Dr David Andersson

Reader In Physiology, Kings College London, UK

David Andersson has been at the Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases in London since 2011.
Research in David Andersson’s laboratory is centred on sensory transduction mechanisms

His research is focused on how sensory neurons control pain and nociception. He is particularly interested in two areas that we are convinced will improve understanding of acute and chronic pain:

1) His team is unravelling the mechanisms responsible for chronic pain in fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and pain caused by the chemotherapeutic drug oxaliplatin.

2) They are exploring interactions between TRP ion channels and neuronal G-protein coupled receptors and we have demonstrated that these interactions can exert powerful influence over the activity of sensory neurons, thereby controlling pain.

In 2009, he was awarded the first KCL/London Law Trust Medal and fellowship (now the Professor Anthony Mellows Medal).

Key publications:

Andersson et al., 2011. TRPA1 mediates spinal antinociception induced by acetaminophen and the cannabinoid Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabiorcol. Nature Communications. Peier et al., 2002. A heat-sensitive TRP channel expressed in keratinocytes. Science. Zygmunt et al., 1999. Vanilloid receptors on sensory nerves mediate the vasodilator action of anandamide. Nature.

Key collaborators:

Professor Stuart Bevan, King's College London

Dr Andreas Goebel, University of Liverpool

Professor Camilla Svensson, Karolinska Institute

Dr Emanuele Sher, Eli Lilly

More information:

Presenter to be announced

Details will be announced shortly.

Presenter to be confirmed

Details will be announced shortly.

Dr Robert Phair

Chief Scientific Officer, Integrative Bioinformatics, Inc., USA

Dr. Robert Phair, a systems biologist whose Ph.D. is in Physiology, is an internationally known expert in the area of kinetic modeling, with over 35 years of experience in the modeling of complex biological systems. He started his academic life with a degree in Electrical Engineering at MIT with the intention to apply engineering analysis to complex biological systems. He was a professor at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine for 16 years before co-founding Integrative Bioinformatics, Inc (IBI), a scientific consultancy in Silicon Valley, with a focus on cellular and molecular systems,where a systematic approach has been developed to model biological systems that allows effective testing of complex hypotheses against available experimental data.

Dr Robert Phair

Professor of Neuroscience, Institute of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Brain Sciences, UCL, UK

Professor Jeffery's lab works on ageing and age related retinal disease in humans and animal models and asseses how the impact of these can be avoided using a range of cellular, molecular and optical techniques.
They examine and manipulate mechanisms of inflammation, mitochondrial decline, cell death and extra-cellular deposition including that of amyloid beta, and map these retinal changes onto shifts in visual performance, linking structure with function in normal ageing and disease. The lab has basic scientists, clinical ophthalmologists and optometrists and translates studies on cellular mechanisms in model systems into clinical trials for inflammatory diseases and macular degeneration at Moorfields Eye Hospital.

Dr Marte Viken

Department of Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
European ME Research Group


Medical specialist in Immunology,
Head of Gastrointestinal Immunology research group
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy,
Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Associate Professor Eva Untersmayr-Elsenhuber, MD, PhD


Dr. Eva Untersmayr-Elsenhuber Associate Professor of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research at The University of Vienna. Her research interests are Immunology and Microbiology, Comparative Immunology and Oncology, Pathophysiology.
In 2011, Eva Untersmayr-Elsenhuber completed her specialist training. Since then, Untersmayr-Elsenhuber has worked as a specialist and associate professor at the ” Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research at the Medical University of Vienna. In 2012, Eva Untersmayr-Elsenhuber completed her part-time doctoral studies in natural sciences at the University of Salzburg and received her doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.). She is the author of more than 40 internationally acclaimed articles published in renowned journals, which have so far been cited more than 1000 times by other authors in publications. For her work in the field of food allergy, Untersmayr-Elsenhuber has received numerous prizes such as the Pirquet Prize, the most important prize in the field of allergy research of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology, the Theodor Billroth Prize of the Medical Association of Vienna and the Vienna Chamber of Commerce Prize 2014.
In addition, Dr Eva Untersmayr-Elsenhuber has led and managed numerous competitively funded research projects on food allergy, gastrointestinal immunology and oncology since 2005. She is a member of national and international committees such as the Austrian and European Societies for Allergolgy and Immunology and the Collegium Internationale Allergologicum. Dr. Untersmayr-Elsenhuber has participated in numerous science communication activities for years, such as the production of information brochures, the Children’s University, the Long Night of Research and Science at the VHS Vienna.
(with grateful thanks to



Dr Jon Brooks is Associate Professor of MRI Physics and the Head of MRI at the University of East Anglia Wellcome-Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre (UWWBIC) in Norwich Research Park, UK.

Jon Brooks


Dr Jon Brooks is Associate Professor of MRI Physics and the Head of MRI at the University of East Anglia Wellcome-Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre (UWWBIC) in Norwich Research Park, UK.

His main role is Head of MRI in supporting researchers/students from across the University to make use of the MRI scanner at the UEA Wellcome Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre.
The scanner is a whole-body imaging system capable of imaging any part of the body. However the main focus within School is in the field of Neuroscience. Dr Brooks' main research focus is on the study of pain, both as perceived by healthy controls and in patients suffering from chronic pain conditions. In particular, he focuses on studying how the brain, brainstem and spinal cord work in conjunction to control the flow of pain-related information to and from the brain. A recent article by former PhD student Valeria Oliva (now at the Italian National Institute of Health), demonstrating how we leveraged advanced neuroimaging techniques to simultaneously study the entire central nervous system's involvement in attentional control of pain, can be found here.

His biographical details are available on the UEA web site at this link.

Other Links:

Assistant-Professor Muscle Metabolism at Vrije University in Amsterdam

Rob Wüst


Rob Wüst is currently assistent-professor at the Department of Human Movement Sciences at the VU University Amsterdam.

He received a PhD in Physiology from the Manchester Metropolitan University and VU University Amsterdam, and completed postdoctoral training at the University of Leeds and Amsterdam University Medical Center. His research interest is in cardiac and skeletal muscle metabolism and mitochondrial physiology, in health and disease.

Rob uses research methods, ranging from MR imaging and spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy and cellular and molecular techniques.

Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”, Spain

Elisa Oltra


Dr. Elisa Oltra is a professor of Cell and Molecular Biology at the Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” where she also works as a researcher in the area of stem-cell and cancer.
She obtained an M.S. degree in Biochemistry at the Universitat de Valencia (Spain) and later earned her PhD in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Miami, FL (USA) where she stayed for her post-doctoral training and later, as Senior Scientist till 2006 when she moved back to Spain. During her studies at the University of Miami she identified alternative 5´UTR sequences involved in regulating cell-cell communication through mechanisms of differential connexin43 expression in the heart.
She also isolated a novel essential protein (Ini) and demonstrated its participation in mechanisms of transcription and splicing.
In 2009 she started a project to investigate the molecular basis of Fibromyalgia having identified at present irregularities in RNAseL expression and miRNAs profile changes in the participating patients which could lead to a deeper understanding of the disease.
In 2012 she joined the IVP Valencian Institute of Pathology, also at the Universidad Católica de Valencia where she is currently studying a specific type of vesicles: the exosomes, as mediators of stem-cell based therapies.
She is also academic director of the first officially accredited Master degree in Biobanking in Europe in collaboration with the Spanish Network of Biobanking at the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid (Spain).

Dr Michael VanElzakker


Dr. VanElzakker received a master's degree in behavioral neuroscience at the University of Colorado, working in Dr. Robert Spencer's neuroendocrinology laboratory, and a PhD in experimental clinical psychology at Tufts University, working in Dr. Lisa Shin's psychopathology neuroimaging laboratory. His postdoctoral fellowship is at Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School, at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, in the Division of Neurotherapeutics.

Dr. VanElzakker is interested in uncovering the mechanisms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and of myalgic encephalomyelitis - also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

His PTSD research uses functional and structural brain imaging, behavioral attention tasks, blood, and genetic data to investigate what makes some individuals vulnerable to PTSD following trauma. He is interested in using non-invasive electroceutical medical devices to enhance safety learning, which may eventually serve as an adjunct to enhance exposure-based therapy for PTSD.

His ME/CFS research uses functional and structural brain imaging to look for abnormal patterns in brain metabolism and inflammation in this patient population. This research focuses on dysfunction at the intersection of the nervous and immune systems and posits that ME/CFS may be what happens when the nervous system detects an exaggerated and ongoing innate immune response. He is interested in using non-invasive electroceutical medical devices to enhance the anti-inflammatory vagus nerve reflex.

From The Center for Surgery, Innovation & Bioengineering


Tufts University Researchgate

Yilin Kang


Yilin Kang is a European Molecular Biology Organisation Researcher Fellow in Wartiovaara group. Her research focuses on understanding how mitochondria and immune system synergize in health and diseases. After completed her Ph.D. on exploring mitochondrial protein import and its role in diseases in Melbourne, Australia, Yilin took the opportunity to join Wartiovaara group in Finland in 2020.


David Price


Professor David A Price MRCP DPhil DTM&H FAoP FLSW FRSB graduated with double first class honours in medical sciences and pathology at the University of Cambridge and completed his clinical training at King's College Hospital London.
He practised internal medicine, specialising in infectious and tropical diseases, before pursuing a doctorate in molecular immunology at the University of Oxford.
After further academic clinical appointments, his research was conducted with fellowship support at the NIH Vaccine Research Center.
He was appointed as Chair of Infection and Immunity at Cardiff University School of Medicine in October 2007.
His research program focuses on the development and implementation of advanced biotechnologies to characterise immune responses against globally relevant pathogens, such as HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2.


Markku Partinen


Professor Partinen is a neurologist and an internationally well-known opinion leader and expert in sleep research and sleep medicine.

He is currently working as Research Director of the Helsinki Sleep Clinic, Vitalmed Research Centre.
He works also at Haartman Institute, University of Helsinki, and at Akademiska Sjukhuset, University of Uppsala.

His expertise covers sleeping, nutrition (what to eat), and other aspects of modern life and well-being.
His current research projects include narcolepsy, Parkinson's disease, insomnia, traffic accidents and daytime sleepiness.

He has published more than 250 articles in peer-reviewed international journals, several books and chapters.

He was elected as the new President of the Finnish Parkinson Association. Professor Partinen is also a member of the European ME Research Group (EMERG)



Tamas Korcsmaros


Dr Tamas Korcsmaros is a systems biologist working with both computational and experimental approaches to study signalling networks in the gut.
For 15 years, he has been been working in the field of intra- and inter-cellular signalling networks and the regulation of autophagy, a key cellular process for maintaining health and fight diseases. He is particularly interested in how cell-cell and cell-microbe interactions affect intestinal homeostasis, and how one could use precision medicine to tackle current challenges to treat patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
In his group they have developed gap-filling computational resources and applied experimental novel systems, such as organoids, to achieve these goals.
Besides leading his research group that focuses on improving our understanding on the pathomechanisms of IBD, he is also co-leading the NIHR Imperial BRC Organoid Facility to establish patient-specific multi-omics studies for various complex diseases.



Michelle James


Michelle L James currently works at the Department of Radiology , Stanford University. Michelle does research in Neuroradiology, Neurology and Radiology. Her most recent publication is 'Imaging B Cells in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis Using 64Cu-Rituximab PET.'
The primary aim of the James Lab is to enable early detection and precision treatment of brain diseases by developing translational molecular imaging agents for visualizing neuroimmune interactions underlying conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke.
They are researching how the brain and its resident immune cells interact with the peripheral immune system at very early, through to late stages of disease. Our approach involves the discovery, characterization, and validation of clinically relevant immune cell biomarkers, followed by the design of novel positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracers specifically targeting these biomarkers. After preclinical validation, we translate promising imaging probes to the clinic for monitoring disease progression and response to immunomodulatory drugs.



Dr Dezső Modos

Imperial College London, UK

Dr Dezső Modos is an Imperial College Research Fellow in the Systems Medicine division of the Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction.
He completed his medical degree at Semmelweis University and a minor in bionics at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Later he obtained his PhD at the Semmelweis University on network biology.
His primary focus was the intracellular signalling network in cancer and understanding the role of paralogues in signalling.

After his PhD he moved to Cambridge and learned cheminformatics. He used network biology to understand and predict compound synergy in cancer. Here he also learned about various cheminformatic techniques, which he is adapting for his fellowship. The current inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) therapies maintain remission only in around 30% of cases forming therapeutic celling. His fellowship aims to find the right drug to the right patient in IBD.
Similarly, we can use the targets of IBD drugs as a source node and build a drug specific network footprint. The comparison of patient-specific disease and drug networks, much like connectivity mapping, can aid in identifying the correct drug for each patient. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in inflammatory bowel disease are often in the non-coding region of the genome. He and his colleagues developed a tool called iSNP ( which can map these single nucleotide polymorphisms to regulatory regions and through that SNP affected genes.
From the SNP affected genes, patient specific signalling networks, individual pathogenetic pathways and patient specific network footprints can be constructed.
Already, he used this method to understand ulcerative colitis pathogenesis.



Dr Irina R Rozenfeld, DNP, MSHS, APRN, ANP-BC

Dr Violetta Renesca DNP, APRN, NP-C, IFMCP

Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine, Department of Clinical Immunology, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine, Nova Southeastern University, USA

Irina Rozenfeld is a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner committed to the health of her patients. Irina emphasizes patient-practitioner relationships, critical thinking and patient education to develop an optimal treatment plan and achieve sustainable results. She obtained her Bachelor's of Science degree from Nova Southeastern University and a Master's of Science in Nursing Studies from Florida International University. Additionally, she has obtained a Master's degree in Integrative Medicine from George Washington University School of Medicine and a Doctoral degree at the University of North Florida. Before joining the INIM, Irina worked for more than twenty years as a physician assistant in Russia. After relocating to Florida, she worked as a Clinical Research Nurse at Nova Southeastern University. Irina obtained an international certification as a Clinical Research Professional and has been involved in research in many roles. Irina teaches at Nova Southeastern University College of Nursing as an adjunct faculty.

Irina's focus at the INIM includes myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic infections, vector-borne illnesses, metabolic syndrome, chronic pain, environmental issues, detoxification and auto-immune diseases.

Irina's research interests include neuroinflammation, biotoxin exposure, detoxification, immune dysfunction, the stress response, neuroendocrinology and implementation of integrative medicine modalities.

Violetta Renesca is a Board Certified Adult Nurse Practitioner focusing on functional and integrative approaches to treat patients with complex neuro-inflammatory conditions. She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Nova Southeastern University and worked as a staff nurse and charge nurse on the Progressive Care Unit at Broward Health.
After receiving her Master’s Degree from Florida International University as an Adult Nurse Practitioner, she joined a large multi-specialty geriatric center in Fort Lauderdale. Violetta obtained a Doctorate in Nursing Practice from the University of North Florida.
Violetta’s focus at the INIM includes myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf War illness, chronic infections, metabolic syndrome, chronic pain, environmental illness, detoxification, and autoimmune diseases. As a certified practitioner for the Institute for Functional Medicine, she works with patients to create personalized treatment plans that addresses root causes of chronic illness. She is also the Director of the Veterans Clinic where she sees patients with Gulf War illness. Additionally, she is a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners as well as the Institute for Functional Medicine.

Professor Adrian Liston

University of Cambridge, UK

Professor Liston has worked extensively in the cellular control over immune/tolerance switches, and how molecular defects in these switches can lead to pathologies ranging from autoimmunity and primary immunology to diabetes and neuropathology. By researching a broad range of pathologies, and using both patient samples and animal models, his research is able to identifying the common cellular pathways to pathology.

Professor Liston is Professor of Pathology at the University of Cambridge's Department of Pathology. He trained at Adelaide University before a PhD at the Australian National University, and a post-doc at the University of Washington, with additional degrees in Higher Education and Public Health. He started his career as an independent researcher at the VIB and University of Leuven in Belgium, where he ran a lab with Dr James Dooley for 10 years (2009–18) before moving the lab to the Babraham Institute in 2019. Between 2019 and 2023, the Liston-Dooley lab worked on biotechnology developments in neuroinflammation, developing new therapeutic approaches and setting up a spin-off company Aila Biotech Ltd. In 2023, the Liston-Dooley laboratory relocated to the Department of Pathology, where he took up the position of Professor of Pathology.

Beyond his research interests, Professor Liston works on improving equality of opportunity within the scientific career structure. He writes extensively about science careers: how early career scientists can navigate the academic career pathway and succeed in starting their own lab, and what should be done to make scientific careers more equitable. He openly discusses his experiences as a scientist-parent, and works extensively on communicating science to children, with the online game VirusFighter and the illustrated children’s books “All about Coronavirus”, “Battle Robots of the Blood” and “Maya’s Marvellous Medicine”.

Professor Liston is also Editor-in-Chief of Immunology & Cell Biology and Honorary Group Leader at the Babraham Institute.



Professor Friðbjörn Sigurðsson

Dr Friðbjörn Sigurdsson is Program Director Internal Medicine, Landspitali University Hospital in Rejkjavik, Iceland.Friðbjörn


  • Program Director Internal Medicine, Landspitali University Hospital (since October 1 2013)
  • Attending Medical Oncology, Landspitali University Hospital (since April 1 2001)
  • Attending Hematology, Landspitali University Hospital (part time since May 2009)
  • Medical Oncology and Hematology, Akureyri Hospital (part time since June 2010)


  • Chief Internal Medicine, Landspitali University Hospital
  • Chief Medical Council Landspitali University Hospital, Iceland
  • Attending, Oncology, Landspitali Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • Attending, Internal Medicine, Reykjavik City Hospital, Iceland
  • Læknasetrið – private practice, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • Chief Internal Medicine, Neskaupstadur Hospital, Iceland
  • Chief Internal Medicine Vestman Islands Hospital, Iceland
  • Stykkishólmur, heilsugæsla og sjúkrahús.

Dr Gunnar Gottschalk

Gunnar Gottschalk Ph.D., CEO and Section Chief, Translational Science, Simmaron Research Inc., USA

Carl Gunnar Gottschalk completed his BS in biology at Sierra Nevada College and MS in Biotechnology at Rush University Medical Center. He received his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Rush University Medical Center.
Dr. Gottschalk has been with Simmaron Research since its formation.
Prior to attending graduate school, Dr. Gottschalk was the lead research coordinator for Sierra Internal Medicine and was responsible for the execution of several large multi-centered investigations in ME/CFS.
In 2020, he was named the Foundation’s Executive Director. Since then, Dr. Gottschalk has served a dual role in the organisation as the Executive Director and Principal Investigator.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Gottschalk led Simmaron’s Local Response to COVID-19 Program in collaboration with Konstance Knox, PhD member of the Simmaron Scientific Advisory Board and CEO of Coppe Laboratories. This program provided free critical early access to COVID testing for residents of North Lake Tahoe, supported the development of the Simmaron COVID-19 Biobank and initiated a number of related research projects.
At present, Dr. Gottschalk is the PI for Simmaron’s multi-centered clinical trial of Rapamycin in ME/CFS. His laboratory is located at the Indiana Center for Biomedical Innovation (ICBI) on the campus of the Indiana University Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, IN.


Professor Branislav Milovanović

Branislav Milovanović, Institute for cardiovascular diseases-Dedinje, Department of Cardiology, Serbia

  • Head of Neurocardiological laboratory,
  • President of Serbian Neurocardiological Society
  • Full Professor of Internal medicine and Cardiology,Medical faculty,University in Belgrade,Serbia
  • Professor of Internal medicine,University of Saransk,Russia
  • Noninvasive electrocardiology
  • Autonomic nervous system testing
  • Syncope
  • Chaos theory
  • Placebo effect
  • Neurocardiology
  • Biosignal processing
  • Artificial inteligence
  • 27.6.1989-22.11.1989.-a clinical doctor at the Clinic for cardiovascular surgery –Dedinje,Belgrade,Universityof Belgrade
  • 1989-1997 Specialist of Internal Medicine,University Clinical Center,Zemun,Internal Clinic
  • From 1.9.1997.-2004 at CHC B.Kosa,Belgrade,School of Medicine,Belgrade,as a head of Coronary Care Unit
  • From 1.3.1997.Assistant Professor at The School of Medicine ,University of Belgrade on Internal Medicine
  • From November 2004-2022 Head of Neurocardiological laboratory,CHC Bezanijska Kosa
  • From July 2006 Associate professor of Internal medicine at Medical faculty of Belgrade University
  • From October 2022 Head of neurocardiological laboratory,Institute for cardiovascular diseases-Dedinje
  • From January 2012 Professor of Internal Medicine and Cardiology,Medical faculty,University of Belgrade,Serbia
  • From May 2014-2019 Director of Internal Clinic University Clinical Center Bezanijska Kosa
  • From January 2016 Member of European Academy of Science and Arts,the leading scientific society in Europe (38 Nobel prize winners)
  • 2019-Professor of Internal Medicine,University of Saransk,Russia

Dr Wenzhong Xiao


Dr. Xiao is assistant professor of Bioinformatics at Harvard Medical School and director of the Inflammation & Metabolism Computational Center at Massachusetts General Hospital. He also leads a Computational Genomics Group at Stanford Genome Technology Center. He holds a doctorate degree in chemistry and structural biology from University of California at Berkeley and a master’s degree in statistics

Professor Leonard Jason PhD


Professor Jason has been among the most prolific of all ME/CFS researchers.
For more than a decade, Professor Jason and his team at DePaul University's Centre for Community Research in Chicago have worked to define the scope and impact of ME/CFS worldwide.
Professor Jason was Vice President of the International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (now the IACFS/ME) and has been a key driver of CFS research since 1991, and is uniquely positioned to support collaboration between CFS researchers, patients, and government decision makers.
His studies have shown that the direct and indirect costs of ME/CFS amount to $20 billion in the U.S. each year, and more than 1 million people suffer from ME/CFS as opposed to the estimated 20,000 people originally reported by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Dr Elizabeth Unger


Elizabeth (Beth) Unger, PhD, MD, received an undergraduate degree in Chemistry at Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA. She then earned her PhD and MD in the Division of Biologic Sciences at the University of Chicago where she also began a residency in pathology. Her residency and fellowship was completed at Pennsylvania State University Medical Center. During this time, Dr. Unger developed a practical method of colorimetic in situ hybridization. This work led to interest in tissue localization of HPV and ultimately to her initial appointment to CDC in 1997 to pursue molecular pathology of HPV and CFS.

Dr. Unger has served as the Acting Chief of CVDB since January 2010 and has 13 years of experience in CVDB, where she has participated in the design and implementation of CFS research and HPV laboratory diagnostics. During this time, she was co-author on 25 peer-reviewed manuscripts related to CFS, including the often-cited descriptions of the Wichita and Georgia population-based studies. In addition, Dr. Unger has been instrumental in efforts by WHO to establish an HPV LabNet and serves as lead of a WHO HPV Global Reference Laboratory. She is co-author of 142 peer-reviewed publications and 24 book chapters and serves on the editorial board of six scientific journals. In 2008, for her HPV research accomplishments, she received the Health and Human Services (HHS) Career Achievement Award.

Dr Unger has been selected to serve as the Chief of the Chronic Viral Diseases Branch (CVDB) in the Division of High-Consequence Pathogens and Pathology (DHCPP), National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Other Links

Johanna Rohrhofer


Johanna did her Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Master's Degree in Molecular Biology at the University of Vienna. In 2021, she joined the Immunology PhD-program and the YSA. She works in the Gastrointestinal Immunology working group under the supervision of Eva Untersmayr-Elsenhuber at the Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research. Her group aims to elucidate the crosstalk between these barrier-layers and to evaluate the impact of nutrition in health and disease. Currently, she deals with altered barrier functionality in diseases with fatigue-associated symptoms, such as known from the Long-COVID syndrome.

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Karen Gimenez-Orenga


Biotechnologist with experience in research of stem cells, cell reprogramming and transdifferentiation, neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases combined with a taste for communicating scientific advances through publications, seminars or conferences.

Currently focused on the study of HERVs in chronic autoimmune diseases such as ME/CFS and FM and their interplay with genetic expression.

Other Links

Professor Benedicte Alexandra Lie


Professor Benedicte Lie's group's research is focused on understanding the genetic mechanisms of autoimmune diseases (including rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis), diseases with a putative autoimmune component (CSF/ME and low back pain with modic changes) through studies of DNA, RNA, epigenetics, proteins and cells. We investigate large and well-characterized patient cohorts to unravel genetic predisposition, as well as the influence of genetic risk factors on clinical outcome. Additionally, we explore the relationship between genetic risk polymorphisms and environmental risk factors, all the way down to single cell level and also by screening the extracellular vesicles. Furthermore, the genetic studies are complemented by functional studies of RNA expression, epigenetic modifications or protein profiles to shed light on the role of the genes in the pathogenesis. We utilize high throughput sequencing in our studies, and we are continuously implementing the newest molecular methods to reveal the genetic dispositions of autoimmunity. Research projects

  • Immunogenetic studies of ME/CFS and autoimmune diseases with particular focus on HLA and KIR genes
  • Single cell profiling of immune cells in thymus to understand the establishment of self-tolerance and development of myasthenia gravis
  • Single immune cell phenotyping of blood and cerebrospinal fluid in ME/CFS and narcolepsy
  • Multiomic studies of immune cells with regards to disease activity and treatment response in rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune phenotypes
  • Exploring the phenotype of the immunological cells infiltrating the joint tissue and synovial fluid of the juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients by single cell technologies
  • Characterizing extracellular vesicles and their protein cargo in immunological diseases
  • Revealing biomarkers in blood for autoimmune diseases and treatment response
  • Functional genomic studies of chronic low back pain patients with modic changes and response to antibiotic treatment

Researchgate Benedicte Lie

Professor Andrew Grimson


Andrew Grimson is a Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics. Dr. Grimson is a member of the Graduate Field of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology and the Graduate Field of Genetics, Genomics and Development. The Grimson lab focuses on post-transcriptional gene regulation, in particular the identity and function of animal microRNAs and other small RNAs.
Further Information

Rowan Gardner


Rowan has over 30 years of experience working in innovative businesses applying computational methods to life science and patient data to understand disease and find new medicines and treatments for unmet medical needs. She is an experienced entrepreneur and advisor to fast growing companies and is a Co-founder and Chief Business and Investment Officer of PrecisionLife, expanding precision medicine in chronic disease. She is also on the board of Digital Health and Care Wales a strategic health authority tasked with the digital transformation of NHS in Wales, and is responsible for oversight of the digital governance and safety committee. Rowan holds a Masters in biochemistry from the University of Oxford and played a part in one of the university's first spinouts, Oxford Molecular Group, when it listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1994. She collaborated with the pioneering team at CERN to disseminate the applications to cloud computing frameworks in healthcare and pharmaceutical research.

The 13th Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium was possibly the best yet of the series of colloquia that were started in 2011, five years after we initiated the international ME conferences.
This year Invest in ME Research started late in preparations, unsure of the response from researchers following easing of covid restrictions. However, the team managed to bring together a good programme of interesting research and used the expertise of the European ME Research Group (EMERG) to chair sessions and bring in new expertise alongside the existing and increasing family of researchers that the charity has developed.
There was more interest from researchers than ever - despite this being our first to meet in person since before the pandemic began - justifying resources used/commitment given to make it work.
This year also, partly as an aid to help social distancing at the events, we used a new venue which had the added benefit of giving greater possibilities to improve and develop international collaboration amongst researchers, one of the charity's continuing and abiding objectives.
In this we feel we were very successful.
Many new collaborations were formed - one of the advantages of focusing efforts on getting the right people together in a productive atmosphere.
Many of these collaborations may not come to fruition for a while but they were, nevertheless, generated by the ability to meet in pleasant surroundings and inspired with the atmosphere of this international meeting. As one good friend and BRMEC13 delegate commented -
‘the agenda, speakers you chose, networking you encouraged & every detail helped us all meet new collaborators & have more hope that things are getting closer to answers’

ME and Long Covid: Emerging insights in mechanisms and complexity of post-viral fatigue

The 12th International Biomedical Research into ME Research Colloquium took place on 31 May - 1 June 2023.
Developing further insights into mechanisms and complexity of myalgic encephalomyelitis including aspects of long covid research.
ME, and more recently Long Covid, place a huge burden in healthcare yet the capacity of research has continually been restricted by limited funding.
With developments around research into Long Covid and with the similarities of some symptoms to those experienced by people with ME then this topic was also included as a central component of the agenda and a number of presentations concerning ME and long covid were given with a focus on the aetiology of the disease.
The knowledge and the road travelled by ME researchers and clinicians is an invaluable aid for understanding long Covid.
Understanding the viral and immunological mechanisms behind both of those conditions is the key to making progress.

This was the first in person Colloquium since the pandemic began in 2020.
The charity was also using a new venue - the Wellcome Genome Campus near London Stansted airport and in between the city of London and Cambridge.

Some of the institutes, organisations and agencies that have speakers, representatives and participants attending the conference week 2023 events -

Quadram Institute
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
University of East Anglia
Kings College London
University of Oslo
University of Bergen
University of Helsinki
University of Uppsala
University of Würzburg
Nova Southeastern University, Miami
Université de Montréal
Charité University Hospital, Berlin
Universidad Católica de Valencia
Harvard Medical School
Aarhus Universitet
Georgetown University
University College London
European ME Research Group
Copenhagen University Hospital
Cornell University
University of South Florida
University of Vermont
The Jackson Laboratory
NCNED, Australia
University of Liverpool
The Free University in Amsterdam
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Medical University of Vienna
Imperial College London
Mayo Clinic
Linköping University
Simmaron Research
North-West University
Queen Mary University London
University of Utrecht
Stanford Genome Technology Center
Columbia University
Radboud University
University of Nottingham
University of Amsterdam
University of Birmingham
University of Otago
Johns Hopkins University

Dr Vicky Whittemore


Dr. Whittemore oversees a grant portfolio that includes basic, translational and clinical studies on epilepsy. These include grants on sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP), the genetic epilepsies, and seizure localization studies. In addition, she oversees a grant portfolio on myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fatigue. Her additional interests are in research on global health issues, stigma, and co-morbidities.

Professor Ronald Davis
Professor of Biochemistry and Genetics at the Stanford School of Medicine in Stanford, California, USA


Ronald W. Davis, Ph.D., is a Professor of Biochemistry and Genetics at the Stanford School of Medicine in Stanford, California.

He is a world leader in the development of biotechnology, especially the development of recombinant DNA and genomic methodologies and their application to biological systems.

At Stanford University, where he is Director of the Stanford Genome Technology Center, Dr. Davis focuses on the interface of nano-fabricated solid state devices and biological systems.

He and his research team also develop novel technologies for the genetic, genomic, and molecular analysis of a wide range of model organisms as well as humans.

The team's focus on practical application of these technologies is setting the standard for clinical genomics.

Research Leader, Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich Research Park, UK

Professor Simon Carding


Upon completing postgraduate work at the Medical Research Council’s Clinical Research Centre in Harrow, Professor Carding “emigrated” to the USA to take up a postdoctoral position at New York University School of Medicine, and then at Yale University as a Howard Hughes Fellow in the Immunobiology Group at Yale University. While at Yale an interest in gamma-delta (γδ) T cells was acquired working closely with Adrian Hayday on molecular genetics and then with Prof. Peter Doherty to establish their role in (viral) infectious disease.
He left Yale after five years to take up a faculty position at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia where he developed a research interest in mucosal and GI-tract immunology, performing studies in germfree mice with Prof John Cebra that helped establish the role of gut microbes in the aetiology of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
After 15 years in the USA, he returned to the UK to take up the Chair in Molecular Immunology at the University of Leeds where he established a new research programme on commensal gut bacteria and Bacteroides genetics leading to the development of a Bacteroides drug delivery platform that is being used for developing new interventions for IBD and for mucosal vaccination.
In 2008 he was recruited by UEA and IFR to develop a gut research programme, taking up the Chair of Mucosal Immunology at UEA-MED and the position of head of the Gut Biology Research Programme at IFR, which later became part of the Gut Health and Food Safety (GHFS) Programme.
GHFS research covers a broad area of gut biology including epithelial cell physiology, mucus and glycobiology, mucosal immunology, commensal microbiology, foodborne bacterial pathogens, and mathematical modelling and bioinformatics. The success of this programme has led to the establishment of the Gut Microbes and Health research programme that is integral to the research agenda of The Quadram Institute.

Dr Avindra Nath


Dr. Nath received his MD degree from Christian Medical College in India in 1981 and completed a residency in Neurology from University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, followed by a fellowship in Multiple Sclerosis and Neurovirology at the same institution and then a fellowship in Neuro-AIDS at NINDS.

He held faculty positions at the University of Manitoba (1990-97) and the University of Kentucky (1997-02).

In 2002, he joined Johns Hopkins University as Professor of Neurology and Director of the Division of Neuroimmunology and Neurological Infections.

He joined NIH in 2011 as the Clinical Director of NINDS, the Director of the Translational Neuroscience Center and Chief of the Section of Infections of the Nervous System.

His research focuses on understanding the pathophysiology of retroviral infections of the nervous system and the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for these diseases.

Institute for Virology and Immunobiology, University of Wuerzburg

Dr Bhupesh Prusty


Bhupesh Prusty currently works at the Institute for Virology and Immunobiology, University of Wuerzburg. Bhupesh does research in Microbiology and Virology. His current research focuses on ciHHV-6 reactivation and its clinical consequences.

University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre CRCHUM · Biochemistry and molecular medicine

Professor Alain Moreau


Since October 2000, Dr. Moreau has been Director of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Musculoskeletal Diseases/malformations. His team is interested in the molecular genetics of musculoskeletal diseases in children (scoliosis) and adults (osteoarthritis). Their work mainly focuses on musculoskeletal diseases that affect children (congenital malformations, bone and cartilage tumours), adolescents (idiopathic scoliosis) and adults (osteoarthritis and joint cartilage degeneration). In addition, his team studies the molecular mechanisms involved in the inflammation and regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues. Dr. Moreau is an active member of the Bone and Periodontium Research Center (a consortium of researchers working in the field of bone) set up by McGill University, the American Society of Bone and Mineral Research and the Scoliosis Society of Quebec. He is also the thematic leader of the Molecular Biology and Genetics Axis of the Scoliosis Quebec Network.

Full Chair Professor in Analytical Chemistry and Neurochemistry at the Department of Chemistry, Uppsala University, Sweden

Professor Jonas Bergquist


Professor Begquist has a background as MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Neuroscience , Sahlgrenska University Hospital and the University of Gothenburg. Since 1999 , he has been a researcher in Uppsala, Sweden, and in 2005 was appointed professor of analytical chemistry and neurochemistry at the Department of Chemistry - BMC , Uppsala University. From 2011 he worked also as an adjunct professor of pathology at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

Research Director, Coordinating Research Centre, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, Denmark
Co-chair European ME Research Group

Dr Jesper Mehlsen


Dr Jesper Mehlsen graduated as a medical doctor in 1979 and finished his specialist training in 1990. He has published more than 140 scientific papers in peer reviewed journals, mainly on the autonomic nervous system and more recently on complex diseases possibly resulting form HPV-vaccination.
For more than 35 years, he has worked clinically and in research with dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Such dysfunction may lead to symptoms from a number of different organs often dominated by diminished control of blood pressure and heart rate.
Over the past 5 years, he has worked clinically and in research with patients who suspect side effects due to HPV vaccination to be the cause of a number of symptoms, common to those seen in chronic ME.
Dr Mehlsen is co-chair of the European ME Research Group (EMERG).

Assistant Professor of Medicine. Institution. Brigham and Women's Hospital

Dr David Systrom


Dr. David M. Systrom is a physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital. He is also an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. He received his medical degree from Dartmouth Medical School (now known as Geisel School of Medicine).

Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA

Professor Nancy Klimas


Director, Institute for Neuro Immune Medicine, Nova Southeastern University.
Director, Clinical Immunology Research, Miami VAMC
Professor of Medicine, Department of Clinical Immunology, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Nova Southeastern University
Chair, Department of Clinical Immunology, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Nova Southeastern University
Professor Emerita, University of Miami, School of Medicine
n for her research and clinical efforts in multi-symptom disorders, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), War Illness (GWI), Fibromyalgia, and other Neuro Immune Disorders. She is immediate past president of the International Association for CFS and ME (IACFS/ME), a professional organization of clinicians and investigators, and is also a member of the VA Research Advisory Committee for GWI, the NIH P2P CFS Committee, and the Institute of Medicine ME/CFS Review Panel. Dr. Klimas has advised three Secretaries of Health and Human Services, including Kathleen Sabelius, during her repeated service on the Health and Human Services CFS Advisory Committee. Dr. Klimas has been featured on Good Morning America, in USA Today and the New York Times.

University of Oslo and EMERG

Professor Ola Didrik Saugstad


Ola Didrik Saugstad is a Norwegian pediatrician and neonatologist, who is internationally recognized for his research on resuscitation of newborn children. Since 1991, he has been Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Oslo and Director of the Department of Pediatric Research at the National Hospital.

Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, New York, USA

Professor Maureen Hanson


Maureen Hanson is Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor in the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. Previously she was on the faculty of the Department of Biology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and an NIH NRSA postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, where she also completed her Ph.D. degree. While most of her prior research has concerned cell and molecular biology in plant cells, she began a research program on ME/CFS after noting at a 2007 IACFS meeting the paucity of molecular biologists studying the illness. Her lab was part of the 2012 multicenter study organized by Ian Lipkin's group at Columbia University to assess the actual role of XMRV in ME/CFS. Dr. Hanson has a current project to examine the microbiome of ME/CFS patients and controls, in collaboration with Dr. Ruth Ley (Cornell Microbiology) and Susan Levine, M.D. (Manhattan, NY). Dr Levine is also collaborating with Dr. Hanson on an immune cell gene expression project that involves Dr. Fabien Campagne and Dr. Rita Shaknovich at Weill Cornell Medical School in New York City. Dr. Hanson's third project concerns analysis of blood samples from individuals performing a two-day cardiopulmonary exercise test at Ithaca College under the supervision of Dr. Betsy Keller.

Professor Kristian Sommerfelt


Kristian Sommerfelt is a paediatrician. He completed his medical degree at the University of Bergen in 1981 and specialist in paediatrics in 1994. Dr degree in 1997 with the theme of premature children and later development. Since 1987, he has worked at the Children's Clinic (now the Children's and Adolescent Clinic) at Haukeland University Hospital, now as senior physician at the section for pediatric neurology and habilitation. Kristian has adjunct position as professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine 2, University of Bergen. He specialises in headaches, epilepsy and ME/CFS, but has broad experience in the entire field of child neurology. For the past 12 years, he has had a special interest in children and young people with ME/CFS, both directly with patient work and in research. He is particularly concerned with investigation, diagnosis and the transfer of knowledge to the first-line service and school. He has broad scientific experience with articles in international journals and authorship of chapters in several medical textbooks. He is a member of the European ME Research Group (EMERG) and European ME Clinicians Council (EMECC).

Institute for Biomedicine , Tronstad Lab, Bergen, Norway

Professor Karl Johan Tronstad


Prof. Tronstad completed his graduate studies in biochemistry at the University of Bergen (UiB) in 2002. As postdoc at the Haukeland University Hospital, he studied bioactive compounds with the potential to modulate mitochondrial functions in cancer cells. In 2005 he was recruited to the Department of Biomedicine, UiB, where he started his research group to investigate metabolism and mitochondrial physiology. His laboratory seeks to better our understanding of how defective mitochondrial homeostasis may disturb cell physiology, and how this may be involved in mechanisms of cancer and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). The Tronstad Lab investigates cell metabolism and mitochondrial biology.
Metabolism, Cell biology, Mitochondria, Biochemistry

Professor Tom Wileman


Tom Wileman took his first degree at the London School of Pharmacy, now part of University College. This was followed by a PhD at John Moore’s University Liverpool where he gained a keen interest in cell biology and immunology. A postdoctoral fellowship followed at Washington University in St Louis to study endocytosis and the macrophage mannose receptor with Philip Stahl. In 1986 he moved to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard Medical School to work with Cox Terhorst cloning genes for the signaling complex of the T-cell antigen receptor. He was appointed to Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School in 1991 and performed some of the first experiments on T-cell antigen receptor assembly and ER-stress related protein degradation. In 1994 he returned to the UK to the Institute for Animal Health (The Pirbright Institute, UK) as Head of Immunology to study how viruses such as foot and mouth disease virus and African swine fever virus use cellular organelles to facilitate replication and how this affects immune responses. In 2005 he moved to UEA where his lab studies how viruses activate autophagy during cell entry and replication.

Dr Wenzhong Xiao


Dr. Xiao is assistant professor of Bioinformatics at Harvard Medical School and director of the Inflammation & Metabolism Computational Center at Massachusetts General Hospital. He also leads a Computational Genomics Group at Stanford Genome Technology Center. He holds a doctorate degree in chemistry and structural biology from University of California at Berkeley and a master’s degree in statistics

Dr Lutz Schomburg


Prof. Dr. Lutz Schomburg received his training in biochemistry at the University of Hanover, Germany. He completed internships at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Munich, the Waite Agricultural Research Institute, Adelaide, Australia, and King's College London, UK. He worked at the Max Planck Institute for Experimental Endocrinology in Hannover, Germany, and received his PhD in 1994. As a postdoctoral fellow, he worked at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, with Prof. William W. Chin and at Julius Maximilians University, Würzburg, Germany, with Prof. Josef Köhrle. He is currently President of the International Society for Selenium Research and Deputy Director of the Institute for Experimental Endocrinology at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Associate Professor Julia Oh


Postdoc, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ph.D., Stanford University
B.A., Harvard University Read more

Associate Professor Brent Williams


Brent L. Williams, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Pathology and Cell Biology at Columbia University.
Dr. William’s research focuses on the role of the microbiome in human health and disease. The human body harbors ten times as many microbial cells as human cells, and these complex, symbiotic microbial communities play a fundamental physiological role in maintaining human health through various mechanisms relating to digestion, metabolism, immunity, protection from infections, and development.
Dr. Williams applies state-of-the-art sequencing and computational techniques to gain mechanistic insights into how disruption of the human symbiotic microbial consortium contributes to disturbed host-microbe relationships and development of pathophysiological states.
His research relating to these topics is broad in scope ranging from investigations into the role of the microbiome in neurodevelopment and autism; mechanisms by which microbial metabolites influence epigenetic changes in colorectal cancer; identification of vaginal microbial community states that contribute to inflammation, adverse pregnancy outcomes and HIV risk; and evolutionary factors governing the structure of our microbiome through investigation of our closest living primate relatives.

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Professor James Stewart

Chair of Molecular Virology, Infection Biology & Microbiomes

International renounded in the field of virus-host interactions he trained as a molecular biologist, applying molecular techniques to study virus/host interactions, specifically the immune response.
A large part of his career has been spent studying pathogenesis and virus-host interactions, with a particular focus on the herpesvirus family.

Established the link between active EBV infection and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and showed that this a consequence of the normal biology of this group of viruses.

With Tony Nash, developed murine gammaherpesvirus in mice as a means of studying authentic host-virus interactions, exploiting the power of virus reverse genetics and KO mouse technology.

More recently research has moved to focus on virus-host interactions in the respiratory tract, using other respiratory pathogens such as influenza A virus and RSV. Developed an integrative toolkit and pathway with which to do this using conventional and molecular techniques to analyse the course of virus infection combined with big data techniques and informatics to relate the function of viral determinants with host defence responses. The ultimate aim is to translate this into novel interventions and vaccines.

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Dr Kiran Thapaliya


Research Fellow in the area of Neuroimaging with the National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases (NCNED).
Main research interest lies in the development of medical imaging methods for the direct in vivo mapping of tissue microstructure in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and Long COVID. Kiran's research focuses on understanding how changes in tissue microstructure influence MRI signals and the development of new neuroimaging methods to identify biomarkers for ME/CFS and Long COVID.
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Professor Lubov Nathanson


Dr. Lubov Nathanson is an experienced, versatile and multidisciplinary trained scientist with over 20 years of work experience in basic and translational genomics and proteomics research.
She has a combined expertise in bioinformatics, molecular biology, biochemistry and systems biology.
As an Associate Professor for the Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine, her work involves analysis of gene expression data of microarrays and RNA-seq experiments, analyzing systems biology including metabolic pathways and gene ontology, building gene interaction networks, creating custom pathways, and searching for upstream and downstream gene interactions. Additionally, she is an Adjunct Professor of the Master's of Science in Nutrition Program in the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine and an Adjunct Professor of the Math, Science, and Technology Division in the Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography.

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Professor Hatice Tankisi


Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
Hatice Tankisi is a consultant in Clinical Neurophysiology at Aarhus University Hospital and professor at Aarhus University, Denmark. She is serving as the secretary and treasurer of ExCo Europe-Middle East-Africa Chapter, International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (EMEAC-IFCN) since 2018 and Co-chair of the Clinical Neurophysiology Panel, European Academy of Neurology (EAN) since 2020.
She was born and studied medicine and trained as a neurologist in Turkey and then moved to Denmark in 2000, trained as a neurophysiologist and did her PhD in Denmark. Her main research interests are peripheral nerve, muscle and cortical excitability tests with threshold tracking and motor unit number estimation methods for diagnosis and understanding disease pathophysiology in neurological disorders particularly ALS and polyneuropathy. She has more than 90 peer-reviewed papers and 6 book chapters. Hatice Tankisi has been a member of the European Multicenter EMG network, ESTEEM since 2000 and is serving as the leader of ESTEEM since 2020. She is also a member of the International Diabetic Neuropathy Consortium (IDNC), multicentre IMI-PainCare project and the QTMS Research Group.

Associate Professor Jos Bosch


In 2012 he was appointed associate professor in the Department of Psychology, section Clinical Psychology.

His research investigates the psychobiology of medical disorders, with the aim to understand and mitigate the impact of disease.

His dual expertise in psychology and biology allows him to approach this topic in a genuinely interdisciplinary manner, by integrating methods and concepts from both fields, and apply these to experimental laboratory studies, clinical investigations, and epidemiological analyses. More recently hsi work has expanded to include Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a source of novel approaches to the analysis and modification of human biology and behaviour. The latter program of research is funded by two H2020 consortium grants, of which he isa lead and a coordinator, and involves intensive collaborations with groups accross continental Europe, the UK, and the US.

Since 2019 he became Associate Editor of Health Psychology Review, having previously acted as associate/senior editor for Brain, Behavior & Immunity (2011-2014), Psychological Bulletin (2010-2013), and Health Psychology (2010-2015).

In 2018 he was appointed Program Leader of the AMC/VUmc research institute ‘Amsterdam Public Health' (APH), Divsion of Mental Health ( In 2020 I was reappointed for 2 more years.

In 2023 Jos was awarded a grant of more than seven million euros to commence new biomedical research into ME/CFS.

Further reading:

Amsterdam UMC leads international consortium in the search for treatment for ME/CFS

Assistant Professor Bradlee Heckman

University of South Florida, Health, Neuroscience Institute, Byrd Alzheimer's Center, USA

Bradlee L. Heckmann is an American biologist and neuroimmunologist who is currently an investigator at the Byrd Alzheimer's Center and USF Health Neuroscience Institute and assistant professor in molecular medicine at the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine. Prior to his faculty appointment, Heckmann held the John H. Sununu Endowed Fellowship[1] in immunology at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Heckmann's research is focused on understanding the regulation of inflammatory processes in the central nervous system, with particular emphasis on neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's Disease[2] and the role of the autophagy machinery in this setting.

Dr Thomas Vogl


Group Leader, Medical University of Vienna

Thomas Vogl studied Molecular Microbiology at the University of Graz and completed his PhD in "Molecular Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology’" at Graz University of Technology. International placements have taken him to Queensland University of Technology (Australia) and the Weizman Institute of Science (Israel). Most recently, he worked as a senior postdoc at the Diagnostics & Research Center for Molecular BioMedicine at MedUni Graz. Since August 2022, he has been leading a research group at the Center for Cancer Research at MedUni Vienna.

Dr. Thomas Vogl and his multidisciplinary team of molecular biologists, biochemists, and bioinformaticians are investigating which microbial and tumor factors are crucial for successful cancer therapies. Dr. Vogl's expertise lies in the combination of biological experiments with computer-assisted analyses. In this context, the immune system is analyzed in the laboratory using blood samples from patients alongside novel high-throughput methods.

Professor Qasim Aziz


Professor Aziz after completing his undergraduate medical training in his native Pakistan he came to the UK in 1988 for higher medical training. After completing core medical training in Manchester, he started his research career at the University of Manchester as a Digestive Disorders Foundation (currently GUTS UK) clinical research fellow and obtained his PhD in 1996. He held posts of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Manchester, and is now Professor of Neurogastroenterology and Director of The Wingate Institute of Neurogastroenterology at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry at Queen Mary, University of London.

He has previously been a Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinician Scientist and has held the MRC Career Development Award. Throughout his career has held numerous prestigious research grants. His research interests are focused on understanding the neurophysiological basis of human gut sensory and motor function in health and disease and he has pioneered the use of a number of neurophysiological techniques to study the human brain gut axis. He is a keen educator for undergraduate and post graduate students and a frequent speaker at national and international conferences.

Professor Aziz has obtained national and international awards for his research the two most important being the British Society of Gastroenterology Research Gold Medal and the American Gastroenterology Association, Janssen Award for Basic and Clinical Research. He has published numerous original articles in reputed medical journals such as Nature Medicine, Nature Neuroscience, Lancet and Gastroenterology. He has held the position of Chairman, Neurogastroenterology and Motility Section of the British Society of Gastroenterology, Executive committee member of the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility and member of the United European Gastroenterology Federation Education Committee. He has been the co-lead for World Health Organisations ICD-11 coding for visceral pain and past Chair of the Abdominal and Pelvic Pain Special Interest Group of the International Society for the Study of Pain. He has been a member of Rome III, Rome IV and now Rome V Committees for development of diagnostic criteria for Disorders of Brain Gut Interaction. He has until recently been the gastroenterology speciality lead for North Thames Clinical Research Network and is the current president of the European Society of Neurogastroenterology and Motility.


Dr Marte Viken

Department of Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
European ME Research Group


Dr Tamas Korcsmaros

Department of Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
European ME Research Group

Tamás Korcsmáros started his research work as a high-school student in a biochemistry laboratory and for five years he worked on the experimental analysis of redox adaptation. He graduated as a molecular biologist (Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary) and as a PhD student developed a gap-filling signalling network database, SignaLink. In Budapest, he established the NetBiol - Network Biology group, which focuses on signalling and regulatory networks. The group has been developing novel databases and web-services to meet key scientific community needs.

In March 2014, Tamás moved to Norwich and works as a Computational Biology Fellow at the Earlham Institute and Quadram Institute Bioscience (QIB). His multi-disciplinary group focussed on combining computational and experimental approaches to predict, analyse and validate host-microbe interactions in the gut, especially in relation to the regulation of autophagy by microbes and upon disease conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease and cancer. Tamás also took major part in the organisation of eight international conferences (each with more than 1000 participants), he is the co-founder of two network analysis companies and coordinated 3 innovation grant programs. Since 2001, Tamás has been participating as a volunteer in Hungarian and international talent support organizations. He is currently the Chairman of the Research Student Foundation supporting 5000 high-school research students.

Tamas is now Senior Lecturer in Intestinal Epithelial Biology at Imperial College London.


Dr David Andersson

Reader In Physiology, Kings College London, UK

David Andersson has been at the Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases in London since 2011.
Research in David Andersson’s laboratory is centred on sensory transduction mechanisms

His research is focused on how sensory neurons control pain and nociception. He is particularly interested in two areas that we are convinced will improve understanding of acute and chronic pain:

1) His team is unravelling the mechanisms responsible for chronic pain in fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and pain caused by the chemotherapeutic drug oxaliplatin.

2) They are exploring interactions between TRP ion channels and neuronal G-protein coupled receptors and we have demonstrated that these interactions can exert powerful influence over the activity of sensory neurons, thereby controlling pain.

In 2009, he was awarded the first KCL/London Law Trust Medal and fellowship (now the Professor Anthony Mellows Medal).

Key publications:

Andersson et al., 2011. TRPA1 mediates spinal antinociception induced by acetaminophen and the cannabinoid Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabiorcol. Nature Communications. Peier et al., 2002. A heat-sensitive TRP channel expressed in keratinocytes. Science. Zygmunt et al., 1999. Vanilloid receptors on sensory nerves mediate the vasodilator action of anandamide. Nature.

Key collaborators:

Professor Stuart Bevan, King's College London

Dr Andreas Goebel, University of Liverpool

Professor Camilla Svensson, Karolinska Institute

Dr Emanuele Sher, Eli Lilly

More information:

Presenter to be announced

Details will be announced shortly.

Presenter to be confirmed

Details will be announced shortly.

Dr Robert Phair

Chief Scientific Officer, Integrative Bioinformatics, Inc., USA

Dr. Robert Phair, a systems biologist whose Ph.D. is in Physiology, is an internationally known expert in the area of kinetic modeling, with over 35 years of experience in the modeling of complex biological systems. He started his academic life with a degree in Electrical Engineering at MIT with the intention to apply engineering analysis to complex biological systems. He was a professor at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine for 16 years before co-founding Integrative Bioinformatics, Inc (IBI), a scientific consultancy in Silicon Valley, with a focus on cellular and molecular systems,where a systematic approach has been developed to model biological systems that allows effective testing of complex hypotheses against available experimental data.

Dr Robert Phair

Professor of Neuroscience, Institute of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Brain Sciences, UCL, UK

Professor Jeffery's lab works on ageing and age related retinal disease in humans and animal models and asseses how the impact of these can be avoided using a range of cellular, molecular and optical techniques.
They examine and manipulate mechanisms of inflammation, mitochondrial decline, cell death and extra-cellular deposition including that of amyloid beta, and map these retinal changes onto shifts in visual performance, linking structure with function in normal ageing and disease. The lab has basic scientists, clinical ophthalmologists and optometrists and translates studies on cellular mechanisms in model systems into clinical trials for inflammatory diseases and macular degeneration at Moorfields Eye Hospital.

Dr Marte Viken

Department of Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
European ME Research Group



The Invest in ME Research Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium 12 (BRMEC12) Day 1 began on Wednesday 31st May 2023.

Click below to expand/contract and show each day of the Colloquium

The current agenda is here

# Session Presenter(s)
Welcome and Introduction Simon Carding
Quadram Institute, UK / European ME Research Group (EMERG)
Modelling Session Chair: Jonas Bergquist, University of Uppsala, Sweden
Pathophysiological Basis of Fibromyalgia David Andersson
Kings College London, UK
Development of a Novel Mouse Model for ME/CFS Gunnar Gottschalk
Simmaron Research, USA
Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
Immunology and Autoimmunity Session Chair: Amolak Bansal, UK / EMERG
Immunogenetic studies of ME/CFS Marte Viken
University of Oslo, Norway / EMERG
tbc Lutz Schomburg
Charité University Hospital, Germany / EMERG
- Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
Host Virus Interaction - ME and Long Covid Session Chair: Tom Wileman
Quadram Institute, UK / EMERG
Coming Full Circle: Rethinking the Role of Virus in ME/CFS and the Implications for Long COVID Nancy Klimas
Nova Southeastern University, USA
ME/CFS and Long COVID: NIH STUDY Avindra Nath
National Institues of Health (NIH), USA
Post-covid ME and Comparative Studies (tbc) Jonas Bergquist
University of Uppsala, Sweden / EMERG
Long Covid to ME/CFS Transition (tbc) Alain Moreau
Université de Montréal, Canada
- Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
Herpesvirus reactivation as a trigger for ME/CFS (tbc) Bhupesh Prusty
University of Würzburg, Germany
Neurological infection and Development of Models (tbc) James Stewart
University of Liverpool, UK
Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
- Microbiome Session Chair: Simon Carding
Quadram Institute, UK / EMERG
Multi-'omics of host-microbiome interactions in short- and long-term ME/CFS (tbc) Julia Oh
Jackson Laboratory, USA
Deficient butyrate-producing capacity in the gut microbiome is associated with bacterial network disturbances and fatigue symptoms in ME/CFS (tbc) Brent Williams
Columbia University, USA
Antibody responses against human microbiota flagellins in ME/CFS (tbc) Thomas Vogl, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Gut complications in autonomic dysfunction associated with Postural Tachycardia Syndrome Qasim Aziz, Queen Mary University London, UK
Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
- Summary Day 1 Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates

# Session Presenter(s)
09:00 Welcome and Overview of Day 2 Simon Carding
Quadram Institute, UK / European ME Research Group (EMERG)
- Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Metabolomics Session chair: Rikke Olsen
Aarhus Universitet, Denmark / EMERG
ME/CFS and Long COVID:
Insights from Invasive Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing
David Systrom
Harvard Medical School, USA
Metabolic Modeling in ME/CFS and COVID Wenzhong Xiao
Harvard Medical School, USA
Metabolic profiling and associations to clinical data in ME Karl Johan Tronstad
University of Bergen, Norway / EMERG
Plasma Proteomics in ME Maureen Hanson
Cornell University, USA
Sex-dependent Transcriptional Changes in Patients with ME/CFS in Response to Exercise – pilot study Lubov Nathanson
Nova Southeastern University, USA
Mitochondrial myopathies in long COVID Hatice Tankisi
Aarhus University, Denmark
- Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
- Imaging Session chair: Professor Angela Vincent, University of Oxford, UK
- Neurological and Ion Channel Disturbances in ME/CFS and Long COVID Kiran Thapaliya
NCNED, Australia
- Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
- Network and Systems Biology Approaches for ME Session chair: Professor Elisa Oltra, Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir, Spain
AI and Stratification of Patients into Subgroups Based on Genetic Profile Tamas Korcsmaros
Imperial College London, UK
The interferon-alpha-itaconate shunt hypothesis for the pathogenesis of ME Robert Phair
Integrative Bioinformatics Inc, USA
tbc Ron Davis
Stanford Genome, USA
Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
- Therapies and Treatments Session chair: Dr Jesper Mehlsen
Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark / EMERG
Differences in the clinical picture of ME/CFS and Long Covid Markku Partinen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Research on severely ill ME patients Professor Ola Didrik Saugstad / Dr Dag Storla
University of Oslo, Norway / EMERG
Toward uniform treatment regimen for ME/CFS Dr Jesper Mehlsen
Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark / EMERG
Using Red Light Therapy to Enhance Mitochondrial Function in People with ME Glen Jeffery
Development of a therapeutic compound for ME/CFS and Long Haul COVID Bradlee Heckmann
University of South Florida, USA
- Discussions Chaired discussion amongst delegates
- BRMEC12: Summary and Group Discussion - Next Steps Chaired discussion amongst delegates

The 12th Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium was possibly the best yet of the series of colloquia that were started in 2011, five years after we initiated the international ME conferences.
This year Invest in ME Research started late in preparations, unsure of the response from researchers following easing of covid restrictions. However, the team managed to bring together a good programme of interesting research and used the expertise of the European ME Research Group (EMERG) to chair sessions and bring in new expertise alongside the existing and increasing family of researchers that the charity has developed.
There was more interest from researchers than ever - despite this being our first to meet in person since before the pandemic began - justifying resources used/commitment given to make it work.
This year also, partly as an aid to help social distancing at the events, we used a new venue which had the added benefit of giving greater possibilities to improve and develop international collaboration amongst researchers, one of the charity's continuing and abiding objectives.
In this we feel we were very successful.
Many new collaborations were formed - one of the advantages of focusing efforts on getting the right people together in a productive atmosphere.
Many of these collaborations may not come to fruition for a while but they were, nevertheless, generated by the ability to meet in pleasant surroundings and inspired with the atmosphere of this international meeting. As one good friend and BRMEC12 delegate commented -
‘the agenda, speakers you chose, networking you encouraged & every detail helped us all meet new collaborators & have more hope that things are getting closer to answers’
Amongst some of the invitations to attend from the charity there was included one to the Norwegian Directorate of Health (Norges Helsedirektoratet). The situation for ME in Norway should be the best in the world but there are continuing issues with flawed policies being promoted.
So, we suggested to one of the EMERG researchers in Norway if we could assist by inviting such an organisation to the Colloquium as our guests to hear of the research that was being conducted and to mix with researchers.
Eventually we had four representatives from helsedirektoratet attending and we hope that this will prove beneficial to all people with ME and their carers in Norway, and ultimately to all patients in Europe.

ME and Long Covid: Emerging insights in mechanisms and complexity of post-viral fatigue

The 11th International Biomedical Research into ME Research Colloquium took place on 18 - 19 May 2022. With developments around research into Long Covid and with the similarities of some symptoms to those experienced by people with ME then this topic will be also included as a central component of the agenda and a number of hypotheses will be proposed concerning ME and long covid - with a focus on the aetiology of the disease.

ME and Long Covid: Emerging insights in mechanisms and complexity of post-viral fatigue

The 11th International Biomedical Research into ME Research Colloquium took place on 18 - 19 May 2022. With developments around research into Long Covid and with the similarities of some symptoms to those experienced by people with ME then this topic will be also included as a central component of the agenda and a number of hypotheses will be proposed concerning ME and long covid - with a focus on the aetiology of the disease.

Click below to expand and show each day of the Colloquium

All times in CET (Central European Time)



2 - 3 June 2021
The Invest in ME Research Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium 10 (BRMEC10) took place in London over two days.
Due to the pandemic this Colloquium was conducted using Zoom.
The European ME Research Group (EMERG) was tasked with producing an agenda appropriate for this environment and in order to move things on with research into ME while the pandemic limited in-person meetings.
We again had representation from National Institutes of Health (NIH), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), USA, Canada, Europe and Australasia.


2 - 3 June 2021

In replacing the annual London event with a a virtual event we used the different opportunities presented by this format to bring forward new ideas to stimulate discussions between researchers.
Every Colloquium has aimed to improve understanding, collaboration and cooperation.

With developments around research into Long Covid and with the similarities of some symptoms to those experienced by people with ME then this topic was also added to the agenda.

For BRMEC10 a new approach and a new format to the meeting was created in order to try to make a step-change in thinking and aid everyone researching ME. Working with Invest in ME Research the European ME Research Group (EMERG) were tasked with forming the agenda.

A number of hypotheses were proposed concerning ME - all leading back to the aetiology of the disease. This was augmented by referencing long covid. The hypotheses were discussed by researchers.

A paper from one of these sessions was published - 'What Causes ME/CFS: The Role of the Dysfunctional Immune System and Viral Infections' - Click here

The BRMEC10 Colloquium also gave rise to discussions on outcome measures for research into ME. Toegether with the NIH and the European ME Research Group a core group of researchers formed a working group to discuss outcome measures and this working group would meet after the colloquium.

Colloquium Videos

We hope to add Colloquium videos to the site soon.

Read more


29 - 30 May 2019
The Invest in ME Research Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium 10 (BRMEC9) took place in London over two days.
Due to the pandemic this Colloquium was conducted using Zoom.
The European ME Research Group (EMERG) was tasked with producing an agenda appropriate for this environment and in order to move things on with research into ME while the pandemic limited in-person meetings.
We again had representation from National Institutes of Health (NIH), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), USA, Canada, Europe and Australasia. In replacing the annual London event with a a virtual event we are using the different opportunities presented by this format to bring forward new ideas to stimulate discussions between researchers. Every Colloquium has aimed to improve understanding, collaboration and cooperation. With developments around research into Long Covid and with the similarities of some symptoms to those experienced by people with ME then this topic will be also added to the agenda. For BRMEC9 we will present a new approach and a new format to the meeting in order to try to make a step-change in thinking and aid everyone researching ME. Working with Invest in ME Research will be the European ME Research Group (EMERG) who have been tasked with forming the agenda. A number of hypotheses will be proposed concerning ME - all leading back to the aetiology of the disease. This will be augmented by reference to long covid. The hypotheses will be discussed by researchers.


Click below to expand and show each day of the Colloquium

BRMEC9 Colloquium Agenda - Day 1

Session Presenter(s)
Arrival Refreshments
Welcome to the BRMEC9

Ian Gibson

University of East Anglia, UK
Clinical Research/ Clinical Trials/Treatment Experiences
Impact of Co-morbid Conditions on ME/CFS: Information from complementary data sources

Elizabeth Unger

NIH Strategy Update

Vicky Whittemore

Harvard Plans for Clinical Research for ME

Ron Tompkins

Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
Clinical Collaboration in Europe – A Bridge to Research


European ME Clinicians Council
Catecholamine Replacement Therapy (CRT) in ME

Olli Polo

University of Tampere, Finland
Cyclophosphamide intervention in ME/CFS and associations to molecular markers

Ingrid G. Rekeland

Bergen, Norway
HLA associations in ME

Benedicte Lie

Oslo, Norway
Epstein-Barr virus induced ME/CFS

Jonathan Kerr

Norwich, UK
Chaired Discussion - Clinical Research/ Clinical Trials/Treatment Experiences
Systems Biology
Establishing new mechanistic and diagnostic paradigms for ME/CFS

Ron Davis

Stanford, USA
Severely Ill Patient Study of ME/CFS

Wenzhong Xiao

Harvard, USA
Identifying Genetic Predisposition, and Genomic Dysfunction of Immune system, Hormone and Metabolic Regulation in ME/CFS for Improved Diagnostics and Treatment Avenues

Travis Craddock

Nova Southeastern University, USA
The systems-level immunology of ME/CFS, and activation of the inflammatory reflex

Petter Brodin

Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Sex-specific differences in miRNA expression in ME/CFS

Lubov Nathanson

Nova Southeastern University, USA
Chaired Discussion
Immunocellular bioenergetics in Danish females with ME

Rikke Olsen

Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
Targeted metabolic profiling and associations to clinical data in ME

Øystein Fluge

Bergen, Norway
Untargeted metabolic profiling and associations to clinical data in ME

Karl Johan Tronstad

Bergen, Norway
Longitudinal Metabolomics Research into ME/CFS (tbc)

Chris Armstrong

Stanford, USA
Chaired Discussion - Metabolomics

BRMEC9 Colloquium Agenda - Day 2

Session Presenter(s)
Arrival Refreshments
Welcome to Day 2 BRMEC9

Ian Gibson

Are bacteria good for your brain? Communication between the gut microbiota and the blood-brain barrier”? The influence of the gut microbiota upon the brain’s defences and the implications for cognition

Simon McArthur

Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Virome and gut microbiota research at QIB

Daniel Vipond

Quadram Institute, UK
Microbiome-host communication in ME/CFS

Mady Hornig

Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, USA
Chaired Discussion - Microbiome
Transient receptor potential ion channels in the aetiology and pathomechanism of CFS/ME’

Don Staines

NCNED, Australia
Pathophysiological basis of Fibromyalgia

David Andersson/Stuart Bevan

Kings College London, UK
Characteristics and pathophysiological changes in a large cohort of Danish ME-patients

Jesper Mehlsen

Copenhagen, Denmark
Chaired Discussion - Pathophysiology:
Ongoing study of physiological and fMRI measures before and after symptom provocation by invasive cardiopulmonary exercise testing

Michael VanElzakker

Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and Tufts University, USA
PEM in fMRI-Exercise paradigm

James Baraniuk

Georgetown University, USA
Chaired Discussion - Neuroscience
Preliminary Data Coming from SNP study

Nancy Klimas

Nova Southeastern University, USA
Extracellular Vesicles in ME/CFS

Maureen Hanson

Cornell University, USA
Proteomics and autoantibodies

Jonas Bergquist

Uppsala, Sweden
Oxidative stress hypothesis for reprogramming PBMC to iPSCs then to Neurons in ME/CFS patients


Transposable element activation links to ME/CFS

Elisa Oltra

Universidad Católica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Chaired Discussion - Biomarkers
Group Discussion of Issues led by European ME Clinicians Council

Professor Markku Partinen

University of Helsinki, Finland
BRMEC9 Summary

Young Researchers

The Thinking the Future conferences are research meetings organised by the charity to encourage biomedical research into ME and international collaboration amongst young and early career researchers. This has been a major objective of the charity. An international family of researchers working together has been facilitated by the Invest in ME Research BRMEC* Biomedical Research into ME Colloquiums held annually in London, UK. To ensure that a foundation of biomedical research into ME can be sustained and to encourage new ideas from new areas then we cannot rely just on this family of researchers that has been built up from all parts of the world. We need to draw in knowledge and expertise from other areas – as we have been doing for many years with our research Colloquiums and international Conferences. Importantly, we also need to encourage early career researchers – and young researchers.

In 2019 Invest in ME Research worked with the USA National Institues of Health (NIH) to arrange two TtF conferences - one in Washington DC and one in London. Read more

Our Conference Journals

Our Conference Journals
For each conference we produce an edition of the Journal of IiMER.
Containing news, articles and conference presentation abstracts.

Read more


30 - 31st May 2018 The Invest in ME Research Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium 8 (BRMEC8) took place in London over two days from 30th - 31st May 2018.

The eighth Colloquium aimed to increase international collaboration in research into ME.

There was representation from most of the main biomedical research initiatives occurring throughout the world and also participation fron USA's Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The research Colloquium in London will precede the IIMEC13 annual public international biomedical research conference on 1st June 2018.


Click below to expand and show each day of the Colloquium

Agenda for BRMEC8 - Day 1

The agenda for the Day 1 programme on 30th May 2018

Event Presenter(s)
08:30 Arrival Refreshments
Welcome to the 8th Invest in ME International Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium Dr Ian Gibson, UEA, UK
Clinical Research
CDC Multisite study and future plans Dr Elizabeth R. Unger, CDC, USA
NIH Common Data Elements Dr Vicky Whittemore, NIH, USA
Challenges in study design and identification of patients with post-infectious ME Dr Avindra Nath, NIH, USA
From phenotype to endotype: empirical and data-driven approaches for parsing clinical heterogeneity of ME using immune signatures, proteomics and metabolomics Associate Professor Mady Hornig, Columbia University, USA
Chaired Discussion - Clinical Research Professor Angela Vincent, University of Oxford, UK
Clinical Trials
Clinical trial Results: Rituximab Dr Øystein Fluge, Bergen, Norway
Neuronal antibodies in Norwegian ME cohort Angela Vincent, Oxford University, UK
Clinical trial Results: CycloME Dr Ingrid G. Rekeland, Bergen, Norway
Chaired Discussion - Clinical Trials and Research Amolak Bansal, Epsom and St.Helier NHS Trust, UK
Double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical Trial: faecal microbiota transplantation Dr Rasmus Gol /Dr Peter Johnsen, Universit of Tromso, Norway
Virome and gut microbiota research at QIB Fiona Newberry/Katharine Seton, Quadram Institute Bioscience, UK
Chaired Discussion - Microbiome Professor Maureen Hanson, Cornell University, USA
Purinergic Signalling / Metabolomics
Extracellular ATP and its role as a neurotransmitter and in regulating inflammatory responses Dr Samuel Fountain, UEA, UK
Biobank Metabolomics Data Dr Øystein Fluge, Bergen, Norway
How UK Biobank can facilitate research into ME Naomi Allen, UK Biobank / University of Oxford, UK
Cellular energetics Professor Karl Johan Tronstad, Bergen, Norway
Metabolism in ME/CFS Professor Maureen Hanson, Cornell University, USA
Stanford Metabolomics/ME Update Professor Ron Davis, Stanford, USA
How important are the associated metabolic changes in ME/CFS in driving the illness? Dr Karl Morten, University of Oxford, UK
Chaired Discussion - Purinergic Signalling / Metabolomics Professor Jonas Bergquist, Uppsala, Sweden

The schedule is subject to change

#BRMEC8 Day 1 is followed by a researchers' dinner organised by IiMER where more discussions are able to be carried out between researchers.

Agenda for BRMEC8 - Day 2

The agenda for the Day 2 programme on 31st May 2018

Event Presenter(s)
08:30 Arrival Refreshments
Welcome to the 8th Invest in ME International Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium Dr Ian Gibson, UEA, UK
The role of enteroviruses in T1 diabetes Professor Heikki Hyöty, University of Tampere, Finland
HPV and autoimmunity Dr Jesper Mehlsen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Chaired Discussion - Virology Professor Tom Wileman, University of East Anglia, UK
Mast cells and ME Professor Theoharis Theoharides, Tufts University, USA
T cell homeostasis Dr Ben Seddon, UCL, London, UK
Oxidative stress hypothesis for reprogramming PBMC to iPSCs then to Neurons in ME/CFS patients Malav Trivedi, Nova Southeastern University, USA
Chaired Discussion - Immunology Anne Cooke, University of Cambridge, UK
Systems Biology
Integrated systems biology to understand the role of the gut microbiome in health and disease Lesley Hoyles, Imperial College London, UK
Using machine learning to objectively define ME/CFS subtypes Travis Craddock, Nova Southeastern University, USA
Chaired Discussion - Systems Biology Professor Jonas Bergquist, University of Uppsala, Sweden
Observations in Paediatric ME Professor Kristian Sommerfelt, Bergen, Norway
Relationship between sleep quality and functioning of the autonomic nervous system in ME/CFS Markku Partinen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Chaired Discussion - ANS Amolak Bansal, Epsom and St.Helier NHS Trust, UK
Emerging TRP pathology: the way forward in pharmacotherapeutics and treatment Don Staines, NCNED, Australia
Immunogenetic studies in ME Asgeir Lande, Oslo, Norway
Proteomics, steroids and autoantibodies Jonas Bergquist, Uppsala, Sweden
Dolorimetry, cerebrospinal fluid miRNA, proteomics, metabolomics data James Baraniuk, Georgetown University, USA
Analysis of miRNA comparing PBMCs and exosomes profiles Elisa Oltra, Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”, Spain
Chaired Discussion - Biomarkers Professor Jonas Bergquist, Uppsala, Sweden
Summary Professor Jonas Blomberg, Uppsala, Sweden

The schedule is subject to change

#BRMEC8 Day 2 is followed by the #IIMEC13 International ME Conference 2018 Pre-Conference Dinner

Young Researchers

The Thinking the Future conferences are research meetings organised by the charity to encourage biomedical research into ME and international collaboration amongst young and early career researchers. This has been a major objective of the charity. An international family of researchers working together has been facilitated by the Invest in ME Research BRMEC* Biomedical Research into ME Colloquiums held annually in London, UK. To ensure that a foundation of biomedical research into ME can be sustained and to encourage new ideas from new areas then we cannot rely just on this family of researchers that has been built up from all parts of the world. We need to draw in knowledge and expertise from other areas – as we have been doing for many years with our research Colloquiums and international Conferences. Importantly, we also need to encourage early career researchers – and young researchers.

29th May 2018

The first Young/ECR Conference took place in London on 29th May 2018. The conference aimed to increase international collaboration in research into ME by initiating a new network for young/ECR researchers. Representation came from six countries and included experienced researchers from Oxford, Cambridge, Uppsala in Sweden, Columbia and Tufts in USA. The USA National Institutes of Health (NIH) was also represented. Read more

Our Conference Journals

Our Conference Journal
For each conference we produce an edition of the Journal of IiMER.
Containing news, articles and conference presentation abstracts.

Read more


The Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium 7 (BRMEC7) took place in London over two days from 31st - 1nd June 2017.

This was the seventh Invest in ME Research Colloquium and the objective was to increase international collaboration in research into ME.

Chairing and participating in the meeting were members of the Invest in ME Research Advisory Board and the newly formed European ME Research Group (EMERG).

We had representation from most of the main biomedical research initiatives occurring throughout the world as well asparticipation from the USA by the CDC and NIH.

The research Colloquium in London preceded the IIMEC12 international biomedical research conference on 2nd June 2017.

BRMEC7 - Day 1
Welcome to the 7th Invest in ME Research International Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium 7 2017 Dr Ian Gibson, UEA, UK
NIH Research into ME - Status Update and Plans Dr Vicky Whittemore, NIH, USA
CDC Multisite study and future plans Dr. Elizabeth Unger, CDC, USA
Data Collection (including the following)
Modelling Professor Nancy Klimas, Fort Lauderdale, USA
Long-term follow up: Experience and lessons for ME from Norfolk Arthritis Registry Project (NOAR) Professor Alex MacGregor, Norwich, UK
Immunology (including the following)
Dysregulation of Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) ion channels and calcium in natural killer cells in CFS/ME patients’ Professor Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik, NCNED, Australia
Professor Don Staines, NCNED, Australia
Update on B-cell research and future plans at UCL Dr Jo Cambridge, London, UK
Fane Mensah, London, UK
Studies of NK cells and cytotoxic T-cells in ME-patients from one Swedish and one Norwegian cohort Dr Jakob Theorell, Stockholm, Sweden
EBV and lymphoma Professor Michelle West, Sussex, UK
Metabolomics (including the following)
Stanford Update Professor Ron Davis, Stanford Genome Institute, USA
Cornell Update Professor Maureen Hanson, New York, USA
Australian Update Dr Chris Armstrong, Melbourne, Australia
Overview of metabolism studies at Haukeland Professor Karl Johan Tronstad, Bergen, Norway
Neuroimaging (including the following)
ME imaging review and ongoing study Dr Per Julin, Stockholm, Sweden

BRMEC7 - Day 2
Opening 7th Invest in ME Research International Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium 7 2017 - Day 2 Dr Ian Gibson, UEA, UK
Clinical Trials (including the following)
LDN in ME/CFS: data on safety and efficacy Dr Olli Polo, Tampere, Finland
RituxME and CycloME clinical trials Professor Olav Mella, Bergen, Norway
Impaired glucose metabolism and PDH in ME/CFS? Dr. Øystein Fluge, Bergen, Norway
B-vitamins in ME/CFS Dr. Ingrid G. Rekeland, Bergen, Norway
Immunadsorbtion trial Professor Carmen Scheibenbogen, Berlin, Germany
Microbiome (including the following)
IFR/UEA update Professor Simon Carding, Norwich, UK
Alterations in the enteric bacterial and viral microbiome in ME/CFS Professor Ludovic Giloteaux, New York, USA
Columbia update Associate Professor Mady Hornig, New York, USA
Biomarkers (including the following)
miRNA in CSF Professor James Baraniuk, Washington DC, USA
Epigenetic changes in ME/CFS Dr Lubov Nathanson, Fort Lauderdale, USA
Genetic and functional genetic studies in ME / HLA and ME Dr Asgeir Lande , Oslo, Norway
Professor Ola Didrik Saugstad , Oslo, Norway
Tbc Professor Warren Tate, Otago, New Zealand
Lactate during exercise in ME/CFS Dr Katarina Lien, Oslo, Norway
Colloquium Summary


Our #BRMEC7 linkedin article 2017 April, 2017

Our Conference Journals

Our Conference Journal for 2017

Read more

1st - 2nd June 2016

The CPD-accredited Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium 6 (BRMEC6) took place in London over two days from 1st - 2nd June 2016.

This was the sixth Invest in ME - Research Colloquium and the objective was to increase international collaboration in research into ME.

The sixth colloquium was opened by Dr Vicky Whittemore of the USA National Institute of Research.

With full CPD accreditation the Colloquium involved the most experienced researchers in areas such as immunology, virology, neurology and bioinformatics.

Chairing and participating in the meeting were members of the Invest in ME Research Advisory Board and the newly formed European ME Research Group (EMERG).

We again had most of the main biomedical research initiatives now occurring throughout the world represented at the meeting.

The research Colloquium was in London and preceded the IIMEC11 annual international biomedical research conference on 1st June 2016.

BRMEC6 - Day 1
Welcome to the 6th Invest in ME International Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium Dr Ian Gibson, UEA, UK Professor Jonathan Edwards, UCL, UK
NIH Research into ME Dr Vicky Whittemore, NIH, USA
Diagnosis (clinical) – Patient Stratification (including the following)
Clinical signs/symptoms of ME Professor Olli Polo, Tampere University, Finland
Diagnostics and Patient Stratification for Research Dr Amolak Bansal, Epsom & St Helier NHS Trust, UK
Protocols and Patient Databases for ME Dr Luis Nacul, LSHTM, UK
Big Data Approach: Severely Ill ME Cohort Professor Ron Davis, Stanford, USA
Chaired Discussion - Criteria to Use for ME/CFS Diagnosis Professor Angela Vincent, Oxford University, UK
Sample Standardisation SOPs for Research (including the following)
Biobank Samples and Protocols for UK/Europe Dr Eliana Lacerda, LSHTM, UK
Analysis Protocols for ME Professor Jonas Bergquist, Uppsala University, Sweden
Chaired discussion Sample Standardisation SOPs for Research Dr Jo Cambridge, UCL, UK
Biomarkers: 1 Data
Keynote Speech: Longitudinal Immunological & Virological Study for ME/CFS Biomarker Discovery Professor Eleanor Riley, LSHTM, UK
Biomarkers: 2 Imaging
Immune-Brain Communication and Relationship to Inflammation and Cohort Selection Challenges Dr Neil Harrison, Sussex University, UK
Neuroimaging in Clinical Practice in ME tbc
Chaired Discussion Neuroimaging in ME Research Professor Jonathan Edwards, UCL, UK
Biomarkers: 3 Mitochondria
Keynote Speech: Understanding and Preventing Mitochondrial Oxidative Damage Dr Mike Murphy, MRC and Cambridge University, UK
Mitochondria in ME/CFS Professor Maureen Hanson, Cornell University, USA
Chaired discussion/workshop with participants Professor Jonas Blomberg, Uppsala University, Sweden

BRMEC6 - Day 2
Summary Day 1 - Objectives of DAY 2 Dr Ian Gibson, UEA, UK Professor Jonathan Edwards, UCL, UK
Biomarkers: 4 Antibodies (including the following)
Autoantibodies in ME/CFS Professor Carmen Scheibenbogen, Charite, Berlin, Germany
Antibodies to small DNA viruses Professor Jonas Blomberg, Uppala Uuniversity, Sweden
Novel form of RNaseL Professor Elisa Oltra, Cell and Molecular Biology at the Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”,  Spain
B cell biology and ME Dr Jo Cambridge, UCL, UK Fane Mensah, UCL, UK
Chaired discussion Antibodies in ME/CFS Dr Juliá Blanco, IrsiCaixa, Institute for AIDS Research, Spai
Biomarkers: 5 Big Data Updates
Big Data Approach for ME/CFS at Columbia University Professor Mady Hornig, Columbia University, USA
Big Data Update from Stanford Professor Ron Davis, Standord Genome, USA
Recent discoveries from NCNED data set: Gene expression & Receptor id Dr Don Staines, NCNED, Australia
Chaired discussion - Challenges of Big Data Strategies Professor Jonas Bergquist, Uppsala University, Sweden
Biomarkers: 6 Phenotypes (including the following)
Glucocorticoid Resistance in ME Dr Amolak Bansal, Epsom & St. Helier NHS, UK
Exercise Data, Orthostatic Tachycardia and Proteomics in ME Professor James Baraniuk, Georgetown University, USA
Virome and Gut Microbiota in ME Professor Tom Wileman, UEA, UK
Gut Microbe and Metabolomic Study of ME/CFS Patients Dr Christopher Armstrong, Dept Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Melbourne, Australia
Discussion: Phenotypes in ME/CFS Professor Simon Carding, UEA/IFR, UK
Systems Biology (including the following)
A Systems Biology approach Dr Travis Craddock, Nova Southeastern University, Miami, USA
Novel Treatments (including the following)
Novel Treatments - Immunoadsorption Professor Carmen Scheibenbogen, Charite Berlin, Germany
Medical Education - BMJ Update Professor James Baraniuk, Georgetown University, USA
SUMMARY of BRMEC6 - Objectives Status Dr Ian Gibson Professor Jonathan Edwards


Our #BRMEC6 Linkedin article 2016 April, 2016

Our Conference Journals

Our Conference Journal for 2016

Read more


The Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium 5 (BRMEC5) took place over two days from 27th-28th May 2015.

This was the fifth Invest in ME Research Colloquium and over sixty researchers from thirteen countries round the world convened in London to discuss research, strategies and future planning.

The fifth colloquium built on past years and has now evolved into a major international event, with CPD accreditation, and involving the most experienced researchers in areas such as immunology, virology, neurology and bioinformatics.

Chairing the meeting was Dr Ian Gibson and Professor Jonathan Edwards - along with the Invest in ME Research Advisory Board.

The research meeting was by invitation only but the charity made available places for researchers and some students who would add to the meeting or who were interested collaborating with our increasing group of international researchers in performing biomedical research into ME.

We had representatives from most of the main biomedical research initiatives now occurring throughout the world represented at the meeting.

BRMEC5 - Day 1
Welcome to the 5th Invest in ME International Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium Dr Ian Gibson/ Professor Jonathan Edwards
Foundations for Research
Epidemiology: Incidence/Prevalence in UK Dr Luis Nacul, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Diagnostics/patient selection for research -
Experience from clinic/Characteristics of patients – from new to severely ill
Dr Amolak Bansal, Epson and St.Helier NHS University Hospital, UK
IOM Implications Dr Dan Peterson, Simmaron Research, USA
Chaired discussion with participants
Immunology 1: Gut Microbiota - Session Lead Professor Simon Carding (IFR)
USA Columbia Microbiome study Prof Mady Hornig, Columbia Univ, USA
The Cornell Microbiome Study Prof Maureen Hanson Cornell Uni,USA
Chaired discussion with participants
Immunology 2:
Immunological and metabolic markers Prof Mady Hornig Columbia Univ, USA
B cell biology Dr Jo Cambridge UCL, UK
Immunological markers in a Spanish patient cohort Dr Julian Blanco, Irsi Caixa, Spain
Lymphocyte markers of fatigue in CFS/ME & breast cancer patients Dr Clive Carter, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
Cytokine and Chemokine Profiles of ME/CFS Patients Dr Amir Landi, University of Alberta, Canada
Chaired discussion with participants
Enteroviral Research into ME/CFS Dr John Chia, UCLA, USA
EBV and ME/CFS Prof Carmen Scheibenbogen Charite, Berlin, DE
Discussions Chaired discussion with participants
Summary of first day Dr Ian Gibson, UEA, UK
Prof Jonathan Edwards, UCL, UK

BRMEC5 - Day 2
Welcome - Overview/summary of previous day Objectives of DAY 2 Dr Ian Gibson, UEA, UK Prof Jonathan Edwards, UCL, UK
Neurology: Lead Angela Vincent (Oxford Univ.)
Keynote Speech:
Imaging Inflammation and Its Role in Neurodegeneration
Professor David Brooks, Imperial College London, UK
Immune-Brain Communication and Relationship to Inflammation Dr Neil Harrison Sussex Uni, UK
FMRI and ME/CFS Prof James Baraniuk Georgetown University, USA
Chaired discussion with participants
Immunological markers in ME/CFS Professor Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik
Professor Don Staines Griffiths University, Australia Australia
Vision and ME/CFS Dr Claire Hutchinson Leicester Uni., UK
CSF Proteomics in a Swedish ME/CFS patient cohort Prof Jonas Bergquist Uppsala Uni, Sweden Sweden
Glucocorticoid receptors and ME/CFS Dr Amolak Bansal, Epsom and St Helier NHS University Hospital, Surrey, UK
Molecular markers before/after exercise Prof Betsy Keller, Cornell Uni, USA
Chaired discussion with participants
Clinical trials
Trial design, good practice Prof Jonathan Edwards, UCL, UK
Norwegian rituximab research/trials Prof Olav Mella/ Dr Oystein Fluge Haukeland Uni.,Norway
Chaired discussion with participants
Additional Topics
Funding tbc
Chaired discussion with participants



For a long time it has been the objective of UK charity Invest in ME Research to forge international collaborations between researchers.

IiMER is a member of the European ME Alliance (EMEA) and EMEA has joined the European Federation of Neurological Associations in order to promote ME in Europe.

With our EMEA colleagues we have also had discussions on forming a European Advisory Board which would allow EMEA to discuss, initiate and fund biomedical research into ME. This has led to further development of the idea.

During the Invest in ME Research BRMEC5 meeting in May 2015 discussions with European researchers were conducted about the future of ME research and how better to coordinate and link together research activity in several European countries.

Based upon these conversations there appears to be overwhelming support and enthusiasm from the group of researchers whom IiMER/EMEA have brought together to work cooperatively and more effectively.

Forming a group or consortium of European researchers represents a very progressive step in not only helping to establish new collaborations and cement on-going ones but also in developing new research ideas and priorities and bidding for funds that would allow us to work together on joint projects.

This is the genesis of EMERG - The European ME Research Group

Facilitated also by our supportive MPs IiMER convened the inaugural meeting in London to bring this together in the hope that rapid and lasting progress can be made in the research, treatment and cure for myalgic encephalomyelitis.

Later, in January 2016 Professor Simon Carding and Dr Uldi Berkis from Latvia met in Norwich Research Park to discuss future planning and agree on a strategy.

EMERG also met prior to the BRMEC6 Colloquium in London in May 2016.

The charity continues to pomote European collaboration between researchers. The emergence of the EMERG concept could prove to be a critical developments in research into ME in Europe over the last decade.

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Our Conference Journals

Our Conference Journal
This year was the tenth year that the charity had organised an international conference week.

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The BRMEC4 Colloquium was intended to harness the potential of international collaboration with an objective of extending research cooperation and help drive new initiatives with biomedical research into ME.

The research meeting was in London and preceded the IIMEC9 annual international biomedical research conference on 30th May 2014.

Almost 50 researchers from nine countries attended the colloquium and a number of new initiatives were created which will benefit biomedical research into ME.

Welcome to London and BRMEC4 2014

Dear Participants,

Welcome to the Invest in ME Biomedical Research for ME Colloquium Meeting (BRMEC4) on 29th May 2014. Thank you again for participating in this exciting and innovative meeting which builds on the foundations made in previous years through meetings organised by the dedication and commitment of Invest in ME and its supporters.

Promising developments have been initiated in recent years which have created important possibilities for changing the way that Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME, known also as or ME/CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)) is researched and the way that patients are treated. High-quality research by an impressive group of researchers and physicians, with an emphasis on international collaboration - these are the aims of Invest in ME and it is our intention to continue to facilitate this and encourage new scientific research endeavours to understand the pathogenesis of ME.

This will be our fourth international ME research colloquium in London, taking place prior to our annual IiME international conference, and we look forward to enabling a unique contribution to understanding ME and suggest future research. For those who can use CPD points then this meeting has been awarded 6 CPD points by the Royal Colleges.

Co-Chairs of the meeting will be Dr Ian Gibson, former Dean of Biology at UEA, and Emeritus Professor of Connective Tissue Medicine Jonathan Edwards, University College London.

We look forward to meeting up in London.

Warm regards

Kathleen McCall Chairman Invest in ME

Invest in ME BRMEC4
Welcome and introductions Co-Chairs: Dr. Ian Gibson Prof.Jonathan Edwards UCL
Pathogen Discovery and Pathogenesis - CFI Dr. Mady Hornig, Columbia Univ, USA
Infection-induced autoimmunity in ME Prof. Jonas Blomberg, Uppsala Univ, Sweden
Microbiome of ME/CFS patients Prof. Maureen Hanson, Cornell Univ.,USA
OMI research Update Dr Andreas Kogelnik, OMI, USA
Chaired Discussions Prof. Jonathan Edwards/Dr.Ian Gibson
Antibodies in Neurological Diseases Prof. Angela Vincent, Oxford Univ.
Rituximab multi-centre clinical trial Prof.Olav Mella/Dr. Oystein Fluge, Bergen, Norway
Rituximab UK clinical
- Preliminary B-cell study
Dr. Jo Cambridge, UCL, UK
EBV and ME Prof. Carmen Scheibenbogen, Charite, Berlin
Chaired Discussions Prof. Jonathan Edwards/Dr.Ian Gibson
Update on ANS studies Prof. Julia Newton, Newcastle, UK
Brain imaging and ME Prof. James Baraniuk Georgetown Univ., USA
NK-, B- and T-cell phenotypes and function in patients suffering from ME Prof. Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik, Griifiths Univ.,Australia
ME Biobank Dr. Eliana Lacerda/Dr Luis Nacul, LSHTM
Chaired Discussions Prof. Jonathan Edwards/Dr.Ian Gibson
Ways to Continue Collaboration and Discovery Funding Possibilities - IiME Proposal Plenary: Prof. Jonathan Edwards/Dr.Ian Gibson
Closing Summary and Future Directions Prof. Jonathan Edwards/Dr.Ian Gibson Briefing to Invest in ME Conference

Our Conference Journals

Our Conference Journals
For each conference we produce an edition of the Journal of IiMER.
Containing news, articles and conference presentation abstracts.

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BRMEC3 Research Meeting London, 2013

In May 2013 the Biomedical Research into ME Collaborative meeting was held in London with 40 researchers from 9 countries attending, prior to the IIMEC8 8th International ME Conference 2013

To raise awareness of ME, and promote collaboration, innovation and foundations for a clearer strategy of biomedical research into ME, Invest in ME and the Alison Hunter Memorial Foundation of Australia continued the collaboration that has been a feature for several years, and which established the Clinical Autoimmunity Working Group (at BRMEC2) which met in London in May 2012.
To attempt to increase collaboration and awareness and to encourage new researchers to the field the BRMEC research Colloquiums are arranged to bring together major researchers in order to crowd source ideas on ME research - a Biomedical Research into ME Collaborative meeting.

At our IIMEC8 conference we focused on ME now becoming a mainstream research area.

Invest in ME Research BRMEC3
Welcome and introductions (Chairs: Dr Ian Gibson/Professor Hugh Perry)
Pathogen Discovery and Pathogenesis = CFI (Professor Mady Hornig)
Retroviruses and ME (Professor Greg Towers)
Pathogen Discovery (Professor Jonas Blomberg)
Gut Microbiota and ME (Professor Simon Carding)
Chaired Discussions (Dr Ian Gibson/Professor Hugh Perry)
Experience of Rituximab in ME/CFS and present a case for extending clinical trials
as per Norwegian protocols or other parallel trials
(Dr Oystein Fluge/ Professor Olav Mella)
Rituximab in autoimmune diseases (Dr Jo Cambridge)
Update on immunological derangement that may dovetail with the Fluge et al findings. (Dr Don Staines)
Screening NK-, B- and T-cell phenotype and function in patients suffering from ME (Dr Julià Blanco)
Chaired Discussions (Dr Ian Gibson/Professor Hugh Perry)
ANS studies (Professor Julia Newton)
FDA Meeting outcome /Treatment with Vistide (Dr Dan Peterson)
OMI MERIT Strategy (Dr Andy Kogelnik)
Chaired Discussions (Dr Ian Gibson/Professor Hugh Perry)
Funding Possibilities
Ways to Continue Collaboration and Discovery
Chaired Discussions (Dr Ian Gibson/Professor Hugh Perry)
Closing Summary and future directions (Ian Gibson/Hugh Perry/IIME)

A conference report for the IIMEC8 public conference was written by Dr Ros Vallings and included these comments regarding the Colloquium -

I was privileged to attend the 8th IiME conference in London on 31st May 2013.
This conference was preceded by a one day symposium gathering together 34 clinicians and researchers from a number of countries. The presentations, brainstorming and discussion will, I am sure, lead to much collaborative research, sharing of ideas and furtherance of understanding of this complex and very serious illness.

Prior to the conference IiME and AHMF had organised and hosted the Biomedical Research into ME Collaborative (BRMEC) meeting. This would actually be third such annual meeting organised in London around the conference events (we held a round-table "Corridor Conference" in 2011 and the two-day Clinical Autoimmunity Working Group (CAWG) meeting in 2012. We brought together 40 biomedical researchers from nine different countries to discuss, educate, cooperate and form collaborations in the future - for the benefit of all people with ME and their families.

The meting was a huge success with many complimentary comments being made by the researchers. The researchers continued to network at the IiME pre-conference dinner in the evening. There were many threads and new initiatives created by this meeting and it justifies IiME's views that biomedical research into ME needs to be the focus of effort and funding if we are to create cures/treatments for this disease.
The charity continued to follow up many of the opportunities created by this meeting.

Welcome to London and BRMEC2 2013

Dear Friends,

It is an honour to welcome you to London and the Biomedical Research into ME Collaborative meeting. This meeting has been made possible through the continued commitment to biomedical research being made by UK charity Invest in ME and their supporters.

The objectives of the meeting are:

1. To present the status of the latest initiatives occurring in biomedical research into ME

2. To discuss and explore the possibilities for collaboration and for funding for biomedical research into ME

3. To generate new ideas regarding research into ME and assess research strategies for ME research

4. Review evidence for immunological derangement in ME

5. Review experiences and expertise from other research areas in order to assist ME research

6. To discuss opportunities for extending clinical trials in multiple centres and possibly internationally

7. To plan future events

We hope that the meeting will initiate new collaborations and generate new ideas for biomedical research into ME and help researchers support each other in the future.

The extraordinary skill and experience which can be harnessed by meetings such as last year’s Clinical Autoimmunity Working Group meeting in London and this year’s BRMEC meeting, as well as the possibilities to progress further understanding of the disease by “crowdsourcing” experience and ideas, promises to enable a unique contribution to understanding ME and suggest future research directions and perhaps treatments.

Chairing the meeting will be Dr Ian Gibson, former Dean of Biology at UEA and Professor Hugh Perry of Southampton University Chair of the Medical Research Council Neurosciences and Mental Health Board.

Invest in ME is keen and willing to support further collaborative efforts in biomedical research into ME and welcome the opportunity to continue these joint efforts,

Warm regards

Kathleen McCall Chairman Invest in ME

BRMEC2 Research Meeting London, 2012

To raise awareness of ME, and promote collaboration, innovation and foundations for a clearer strategy of biomedical research into ME, Invest in ME has joined with the Alison Hunter Memorial Foundation of Australia - in cooperation with Bond University and University of East Anglia - to establish a Clinical Autoimmunity Working Group which met in London on 30-31st May 2012.

BRMEC2 Introduction Statements to BRMEC2 - CAWG

Kathleen McCall
Chairman Invest in ME

There is an urgent need for a coordinated strategy of biomedical research into myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).
Good quality collaborative research efforts lead to understanding of the disease and better patient care and education of health care professionals.
The approach to treating ME must reflect the latest biomedical research evidence and ME needs to be accepted as a mainstream disease requiring major attention from the medical profession and research institutions.
Patients need access to knowledgeable ME consultants who can make correct diagnoses using proper guidelines and need to understand the disease in its all phases.
Invest in ME is a UK charity established in 2006 by ME patients and parents of children with ME.
The charity was set up with the objectives of making a change in how ME is perceived and treated in the media, by health departments and by healthcare professionals.
Our efforts are focused on setting up a UK Centre of Excellence which will provide proper examinations and diagnosis for ME patients and initiate a coordinated strategy of biomedical research into ME in order to find treatment(s) and cure(s).

Christine Hunter AM
Alison Hunter Memorial Foundation

People with ME face enormous obstacles to access health care. Among the impediments over past decades has been research which has shifted emphasis to fatigue and fatigue states with scant regard for the myriad yet distinguishing neurological, autonomic, and gastrointestinal features of ME. Semantics and biased attributions continue to deny the severely ill, both child and adult, the right to care which addresses their acute and chronic medical needs without fear. The Alison Hunter Memorial Foundation was established in 1998 through the initiative of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Sydney. The Foundation has a primary interest in the medical, legal and social needs of people with ME and the clinical documentation of severity. The Foundation supports biomedical research.

Welcome address Dame Bridget Ogilvie AC DBE FRS
Overview of criteria required to support an autoimmune basis to ME/CFS Noel Rose MD PhD Professor Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Director Center for Autoimmune Disease Research Baltimore USA
Review of experience of Rituximab in ME/CFS Oystein Fluge MD PhD University of Bergen Institute of Medicine, Section for Oncology Haukeland
Regulation of EAE using antigen-specific tolerance and B cell targeting - Stephen Miller PhD Professor Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Judy Guggenheim Research Professor of Microbiology-Immunology Chicago USA
Potential for pathogenicity of autoimmunity to vasoactive neuropeptides and their receptors Mario Delgado PhD Head of Department of Immunology and Cell Biology The Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine Granada Spain
Exploring autoimmune pathomechanisms in ME/CFS Sonya Marshall Gradisnik PhD Associate Professor Bond University Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine Gold Coast Australia
Do symptoms match putative autoimmune targets in ME? Don Staines MBBS MPH Public Health Medical Officer Gold Coast Public Health Unit Associate Professor (Adjunct) Bond University, Griffith University, Queensland Australia
Symptomatology of the clinical spectrum of ME/CFS Daniel Peterson MD Adjunct Professor Bond University Gold Coast CEO Simmaron Research Foundation for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Incline Village USA
Plenary session Chair: Ian Gibson PhD

Overview/summary of previous day Objectives of DAY 2 Tom Wileman PhD Don Staines MBBS MPH
Developments in neuropathology Hugh Perry PhD Professor University of Southampton Experimental Neuropathology Centre for Biological Sciences Southampton UK
MRI evidence: Microvascular changes in CNS Richard Kwiatek MBBS FRACP Lyell McEwin Hospital Senior Visiting Medical Specialist in Rheumatology Adelaide Australia
Genetics and informatics Andy Kogelnik MD PhD Director Open Medicine Institute Mountain View CA USA
Plenary session Chair: Ian Gibson PhD
Lessons from neuropathology of ME/CFS Abhijit Chaudhuri DM MD PhD FACP FRCP Glasg FRCP Lond Senior Consultant Neurologist Queen's Hospital Romford Essex Centre for Neurological Sciences UK
Plenary Session: Open discussion: Collaboration strategies which might target research agencies such as NIH (US), NHMRC (Aus), MRC (UK). Consider developing an overarching strategic approach Chair: Ian Gibson PhD
Summary and future directions Chair: Ian Gibson PhD
Acknowledgements and Close Invest in ME / Alison Hunter Memorial Foundation


Wednesday 30th Thursday 31 May 2012, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM

Medical and scientific experts from around the world convened in London on 30 and 31 May to discuss recent scientific developments in understanding myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

Co-Chair of the clinical autoimmunity working group for ME/CFS, public health physician Dr Don Staines stated ‘The recent discovery from researchers in Norway that an anti- CD20 B cell- depleting drug had a marked benefit in the treatment of ME/CFS has sent a clear message to scientists and medical practitioners around the world that this disease may have an autoimmune origin'.

While the clinicians who made the discovery, Dr Oystein Fluge and Dr Olav Mella and co-workers remain guarded in drawing unwarranted conclusions from the study published in PLoS late last year, further studies are now being planned in the hope of extending the study to a number of clinical sites and to increase the number of patients in the studies.

Dr Staines said
"The findings of Drs Fluge and Mella and their co-workers are consistent with theories previously published that ME/CFS may be an autoimmune disease. Despite compelling evidence that this disease is linked epidemiologically to infection and the disorder possibly being a post-infection disturbance of the immune system, little funding has gone into studies of autoimmunity. This is clearly a multi-system illness which has been badly managed in terms of the research agenda."

Experts who will attend the meeting include Professor Noel Rose, Director of Autoimmune Disease Research at Johns Hopkins Hospital (USA), Professor Stephen Miller (USA), Dr Mario Delgado (Spain) and Professor Hugh Perry, the chairman of the UK Medical Research Council Neurosciences and Mental Health Board. Immunological discoveries which may serve to act as biomarkers for ME/CFS will be presented by Dr Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik, Bond University, Australia.

Alison Hunter Memorial Foundation +61 2 99586285 Invest in ME 07759 349743



  • BOND UNIVERSITY, Population Health and Neuroimmunology Research Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Gold Coast Australia
  • University of East Anglia, Biomedical Research Centre, Faculty of Science, Norwich, United Kingdom
  • GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY, School of Medical Science, Griffith Health Institute, Gold Coast, Australia


  • Dr Amolak Bansal MD
  • Dr. James N Baraniuk MD
  • Dr Monica Carson PhD
  • Professor Simon Carding PhD
  • Dr Abhijit Chaudhuri MD PhD
  • Dr Mario Delgado PhD
  • Dr Oystein Fluge MD PhD
  • Dr Ian Gibson PhD
  • Dr Konstance Knox PhD
  • Dr Andreas Kogelnik MD PhD
  • Dr Richard Kwiatek MBBS FRACP
  • Professor Stephen D. Miller PhD
  • Dr Sonya Marshall-Gradisnik PhD
  • Professor Olav Mella MD PhD
  • Dame Bridget Ogilvie AC, DBE, FRS
  • Professor Hugh Perry PhD
  • Dr Daniel Peterson MD
  • Professor Noel Rose MD PhD
  • Dr Katherine Rowe MD MBBS FRACP MPH DipEd
  • Dr Rosamund Vallings MD
  • Professor Tom Wileman PhD

BRMEC1 Research Meeting London, 2011

In May 2011, during the IIMEC6 conference weekend events, the charity included a new IiME idea - the 'Corridor Conference' - with clinicians and researchers discussing ways to collaborate, discuss issues and generally to progress knowledge and opportunities for research.

Thus was born the Invest in ME Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium - an event where researchers, and clinicians, from around the world, could cooperate, share experiences and ideas and form future collaborations which would help overcome the lack of funding being given to biomedical research into ME by those bodies responsible for granting funding.
In this way Invest in ME sought to facilitate the type of high-quality research which we feel is the foundation for finding treatments and cures for ME

BRMEC1 - Corridor Conference - The Researchers Meeting

‘The Corridor Meeting’ was attended by 20 researchers/clinicians from 7 different countries and there were some observers present too.

Professor Geoffrey Burnstock gave a short presentation on purinergic signalling and the CNS to encourage new avenues to explore.

Professor Tom Wileman from University of East Anglia chaired the meeting skilfully and after several hours of discussion there was an action point for collaboration and co-operation to apply for funding for collaborative research.

We are happy to say that discussions between researchers have continued and are continuing.

We hope this will lead to more cooperation and joint ventures.

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from Ros Vallings' IIMEC8 International ME COnference report

" researchers who were presenting at the conference, and a few others who were attending, were gathered together to discuss their current research and to look at opportunities for ongoing collaboration. This was a 'closed' meeting, but I was lucky to be able to go along as an observer. Much of the research discussed was embargoed for any mention here, as is still awaiting publication. However we were fortunate to have a fascinating 30 minute talk from Professor Burnstock on his theories and research on purine signalling. This talk was repeated the following day at the conference (see below). I was glad to be able to hear it twice as it was complex biochemically. This could have much relevance in ME/CFS. All the researchers were keen to have ongoing contact with a view to collaboration."

Additional Events During Conference Week

The conference this year was expanded to include several ancilliary events, all of which were meant to achieve the maximum possible effect to raise awareness and achieve progress for ME.

The conference weekend began with a visit to parliament on Thursday morning followed up by a new IiME idea - the “Corridor Conference - BRMEC1” - with clinicians and researchers discussing amongst themselves ways to collaborate, discuss issues and generally to progress knowledge and opportunities for research. The first day ended with the IiME Pre-Conference Evening Presentation with Dr Ian Gibson and Hillary Johnson presenting on Science, Politics and ME from both sides of the Atlantic. Friday the 20th May was the conference day with for the full day of presentations. In the evening we were pleased to host an informal meeting with researchers and representatives of the European ME Alliance (EMEA) to allow more informal discussions to take place.
On Saturday 21st we hosted and chaired the EMEA AGM – now eleven European countries working together.

Invest in ME published its Journal of IiME [click here] at the conference and abstracts of the conference presenters' presentations are included therein.

Visit to Parliament

The visit to parliament to meet APPG members and other MPs was organised by Invest in ME to allow interested MPs to listen directly to biomedical researchers and clinicians tell about their latest research and experiences in treating ME patients.

We had discussed this with the acting chair of the APPG, Annette Brooke, for many weeks before the event and it is credit to Annette’s office that this could be organised.

The group organised by Invest in ME included Annette Whittemore and Dr Judy Mikovits from WPI, USA; Dr Andreas Kogelnik OMI, USA; Dr David Bell, USA and the conference chairman Professor Malcolm Hooper.

We also invited Dr Ros Vallings from New Zealand and two of our European ME Alliance member representatives - from Germany and Denmark – as we thought it important to demonstrate that this is an international problem. We also had members of the Invest in ME Steering Group for the Norwich Research and Examination Facility (Invest in ME have been in contact with Norfolk MPs in order to canvass support for our proposal for an examination and research facility).

Present were the Countess of Mar, Ian Swales MP, Chloe Smith MP for Norfolk, Marcus Jones MP and a number of MPs’ assistants who attended on behalf of their MP as well as members of the public.

Annette Brooke MP chaired the meeting and after introductions Dr Mikovits, Mrs Whittemore, Dr Kogelnik and Dr Bell gave a short description of their current work and experience with ME. Professor Hooper mentioned the PACE trial situation.

MPs were surprised to hear that ME is most probably caused by an infectious agent. It makes one wonder what information the APPG has been provided in the past or whether the information about ME has not been presented to the MPs clearly enough.

The MPs were also very concerned to hear that no one from the DoH or the MRC was considering attending or sending representatives to the IiME conference. The MPs all agreed that they ought to attend such a major event in the European ME calendar and Mr Swales expressed great surprise that Professor Stephen Holgate had yet again ignored the conference (IiME have invited him for the past few years).

The subject of MRC funding came up. Invest in ME do not believe this to be as significant as do some, especially as this is not the first time that the MRC have initiated an expert panel to look at ME. We pointed out that whilst the MRC expert panel had taken well over two years to hold a couple of tardily minuted meetings the WPI had set up a state of the art lab and energised ME research around the world.

Although this may not be a popular view in the APPG it needs to be said.

The Norfolk examination and research facility proposal was discussed also. This proposal would create a base for biomedical research into ME, using cohorts of patients who would be properly examined and diagnosed, using facilities within the NHS. We elicited support for this initiative from the Norfolk MPs.

Overall we demonstrated to the MPs there that there is a way forward with biomedical research. We do not doubt Annette Brooke will help, as will Ian Swales.

The purpose was to put faces in front of the APPG people - to show them there is more happening than the talking shop approach that previous APPG meetings became. The biomedical research and the possibilities from that are now firmly presented. Whilst we do not expect any great changes from parliament or the APPG we feel it was important to try this initiative. Other ideas and other initiatives come from this.

Last Update September 2019