Letter to Finland's Valvira - CBT and GET

Invest in ME Research Expresses Concern Regarding Use of CBT and GET

Valvira is Finland's National Supervisory Authority for Health and Welfare.

Recently news came that the organisation was considering wide use of CBT and GET for ME patients [1].

Valvira states that there are no diagnostic or treatment guidelines for CFS (ME) in Finland and these are needed so that patients' own GP has a care pathway to refer to.
Valvira seems to think that there is international evidence for the most effective treatment being CBT and GET and Finnish patients should have access to these therapies also.

This disturbing and potentially damaging (for patients) action was thought necessary to be challenged.

Invest in ME Research also considered it relevant to make Valvira aware of current evidence and research.

Invest in ME Research has also extended invitations to our next Colloquium and Conference.

We have sent the following letter.

We have the means to translate this into Finnish if necessary but, for now, have sent a letter in English.


1/ http://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/201709042200370930_u0.shtml


2/ https://www.aamulehti.fi/uutiset/laakari-olli-polo-ei-saa-pitaa-yksityisvastaanottoaan-jatkaa-kuitenkin-ylilaakarin-virassaan-hoidot-vaaransivat-potilasturvallisuutta-200372136/

Last Update 11/09/2017