The 6th Invest in ME

International ME/CFS Conference 2011

The Way Forward for ME - A Case for Clinical Trials

Conference Feedback
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Comments from delegates and non-delegates to the conference

J 30th May 2011
Thank you for again making this conference available for ordinary patients at such a reasonable price. The conference was extraordinary and brought hope to me and my family. Thank you for all you are doing..   
L 30th May 2011
I thoroughly enjoyed the conference and look forward to attending next year.
E 30th May 2011
Thank you to everyone for arranging another successful, exciting and inspiring conference.
M 29th May 2011
I want to say "thank you" for having organised another fantastic conference in London.
L 29th May 2011
A huge thanks to you for an excellent conference....... I think I can speak for all of us that attended the two days in London when I say how much we appreciated it and how grateful we are for the work you're doing for all of us.
E 28th May 2011
A huge thanks to you for an excellent conference. We much appreciated it and how grateful we are for the work you're doing for all of us
M 27th May 2011
again congratulations for your fantastic conference last week. It was again a really great conference/meeting and we had so much new information, new contacts.
R 28th May 2011
 A brief note to say a big THANK YOU for your massive efforts in organising the conference and pre-conference events
O 20th May 2011
Finally made it to the conference, too ill in previous years. I found it very useful indeed, and it was just wonderful to see researchers talking to each other - we patients need to take a back seat to allow their interactions.

FWIW, my take-aways are...

- There are many benefits to the ME/CFS community consolidating. It may be impossibly hard but I would like to see many organisations merge into 1-2 to reflect patients' needs - a focus for donations and a voice to put out via the media
- The illness definition and epidemiology seems to be a huge barrier in the UK to progress.
- New technology is going to be a great help - not just the gene profiling, but mass data collection, co-cure, data collection on mobile devices, plus twitter, facebook, etc

Many thanks again, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all your hard work.

N 26th May 2011
Dear Invest in ME
thank you for a great conference!!

Last Updated: 01/06/2011