The 6th Invest in ME

International ME/CFS Conference 2011

The Way Forward for ME - A Case for Clinical Trials



Invest in ME welcomes support from companies, organisations, support groups  and individuals to make the International ME/CFS Conference 2011 a success.

We hope to attract to the conference professionals working in healthcare (GPs, nurses, paediatricians etc.),  researchers, students, media personnel, politicians as well as people with ME, their carers and/or parents and ME support groups and charities.

To enable us to provide the best conference possible we welcome donations or sponsorship.

Please contact us at ME Conference 2011 for further details or to discuss sponsorship, or use our HELP US page to donate. Thank you!




IMET - The IRISH ME TRUST -have again kindly offered to sponsor a speaker for the Invest in ME International conference.

This follows their support of the conferences in previous years

IMET have been heavily involved in sponsoring biomedical research into ME and are one of the founder members of the European ME Alliance.



Last Updated: 05/03/2011