LETTER to NICE Professor Sir Michael Rawlins

in Response to NICE/Rawlins Rebuttal of Magical Medicine

from Professor Malcolm Hooper

From Malcolm Hooper Ph.D.,B.Pharm.,C.Chem.,MRIC
Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
School of Sciences
Fleming Building

Wharncliffe Street
University of Sunderland
Nursery Close
Phone 0191-5285536
e-mail: malcolm.hooper@virgin.net

Chief Scientific Adviser to the Gulf Veterans' Association
President: the National Gulf War Veterans and Families Association, NGVFA, (2002)


Public Relations Office 0191 515 2691  

Chief Scientific Adviser to the Gulf Veterans' Association

President: the National Gulf War Veterans and Families Association, NGVFA, (2002)


web site http://osiris.sunderland.ac.uk/autism


05 March 2010

Dear Sir Michael,

Thank you for your letter and the returned copy of Magical Medicine which I found very disappointing and disconcerting.

To be faced, yet again, with the denial and dismissal of the comprehensive amount of biomedical evidence about ME that has been presented in some 5000 published and peer-reviewed papers is disturbing and has sinister connotations devoid of any compassion.

Failure to consider this evidence means that any policy towards people with ME will be “built upon sand” in defiance of the basic principles of scientific inquiry and any consideration for very sick people, their families and carers.

As a fellow medical scientist I find the continuing denial and unwillingness to face the biomedical evidence both puzzling and incomprehensible.

We know Government is committed to funding research that is perceived to support policy, an attitude that has, in this case, lead to lack of scientific rigour, integrity and humanity in order to avoid developing a policy based on the biomedical evidence available in this complex and difficult area of medicine.

With best wishes 

Malcolm Hooper

Last Updated: 08/03/2010