Empowering Tomorrow: Advancing Research for ME

The charity was proud to be presenting at the recent 'Symposium For Promoting The Advancement Of Research Knowledge In ME/CFS (SPARK ME)' event on 11 December 2023. The presentation covered the situation regarding ME, the charity’s work in creating the foundations for making more rapid progress in researching and treating ME, and details of the research being funded, including at the centre of excellence in Norwich Research Park.

IiMER Fellow Dr Katharine Seton - chair of Young EMERG - was the only presenter from outside USA who was invited to Washington to speak at the event - symbolising the good collaboration between Young EMERG and SPARK ME.
Also representing Young EMERG was committee member Karen Giménez Orenga, from Valencia in Spain. We hope this will continue and develop following this event.

The charity is determined to assist in this process.


At the event the charity announced its sponsorship/award to a SPARK ME group early career researcher to enable them to come to the UK for International ME Conference Week in June 2024.

The award provided by the charity will include participation in the BRMEC13 Colloquium and Young EMERG workshop. The awardee will be selected by NIH Drs Whittemore and Breen and is intended to continue the collaboration between American and European young and early career researchers.

The awardee will collaborate with Young EMERG in planning the YEMERG04 workshop and will work closely with the SPARKS network to ensure full sharing of information and potential contributions to the proceedings.

Young EMERG Workshop/conference June 2024

The charity is arranging the next Young EMERG workshop for 28 June 2024, following the BRMEC13 research Colloquium.

More details will become available on the Young EMERG website over the course of the next month.

The conference will take place on the Wellcome Genome Campus at Hinxton Hall, near Cambridgeshire.
Hinxton Hall Conference Centre is located on the Wellcome Genome Campus, alongside research institutions that are at the forefront of the genomics revolution. Hinxton Hall Conference Centre blends stunning contemporary architecture with state-of-the-art facilities, alongside a Grade II* listed country house, all set within a beautiful, rural 100 acre estate bordering the River Cam.
This location is near to Cambridge as well as a short drive from London Stansted airport.
There is also a direct link to London Stansted from central London.
This venue offers a number of advantages for assisting in our objectives of building collaboration and expanding knowledge.